A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

yoga for digestion

What exercises should I do to lose weight fast? 1

What exercises should I do to lose weight fast?

Weight Loss with Yoga: Are the Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss Effective? Yoga and weight loss One of the main causes of serious health problems is obesity. The effect of excess weight is very detrimental to your health, lack of energy and concentration in many daily activities, and other more serious physical problems can be […]

Can yoga do something for losing weight? 3

Can yoga do something for losing weight?

Does yoga help with weight loss? We regularly hear the question whether it is possible to lose weight with yoga or to stay on weight. In this article we will answer this question. To immediately fall in the house: yes, yoga helps people to gain or maintain a healthy weight.   Research by scientists shows that […]

Which is a perfect book for practising yoga for beginners? 4

Which is a perfect book for practising yoga for beginners?

Books on yoga, which are not worse than the coach If you have long dreamed of starting to practice yoga, but you think that this is too difficult and is suitable only for experienced gurus, then the publications from our collection will dissuade you from doing this. We have collected here our best book-guides with detailed […]

What are some yoga exercises for a healthy heart? 6

What are some yoga exercises for a healthy heart?

Asanas for a healthy heart The busy schedule, the “pressure” of the megalopolis, depression and stress make us turn to asanas for a healthy heart. Do not forget also about the timely rest, food and communication. Yoga works closely with your heart, toning and relaxing it. There are five asanas for a healthy heart: 1. Tadasana – […]

What are some simple yoga poses for beginners? 8

What are some simple yoga poses for beginners?

Yoga exercises for beginners at home These are five basic postures of yoga. You can perform them in succession and thus do a shortened version of the Sun Salutation. The Sun Salutation is meant to start the day in a positive way. For example, do a piece or five every day. 1. Mountain (Tadasana) The Berghouding is […]

What are some good Yoga positions to try for a beginner? 9

What are some good Yoga positions to try for a beginner?

The bridge Advanced level variant of the half-bridge, bridge or “bow”. Position: Half-bridge, we place the palms of the ground on inverted wrists, then pushes on the hands to take off the chest, and lift the pelvis. The legs are bent. Attention: Spread the weight of the body in a balanced way and keep the feet […]

What are some yoga exercises for overcoming constipation and digestion problems? 11

What are some yoga exercises for overcoming constipation and digestion problems?

Yoga therapy for constipation Chronic constipation is one of the most common health problems in today’s societies. Around 12% of the world population suffers from this disorder. Some countries register even one third of their population with problems of this type. It is a problem in the lower part of the digestive system that is characterized by […]

Are there yoga exercises for your face? 12

Are there yoga exercises for your face?

Perfect skin and out stress with facial yoga. The yoga also exercises to stretch the muscles of the face . Yoga classes focused on a series of grimaces along with relaxation and breathing exercises will rejuvenate our face, without going through the operating room and without contraindications. And it is that like any part of the body, the muscles of the face also atrophy […]

Is there any yoga exercise for the eyes? 14

Is there any yoga exercise for the eyes?

Yoga for the eyes The most important thing in performing exercises is maximum relaxation and at the same time concentration. In yoga there is a special set of exercises for the eyes, which is called “Netra-vyayyam.” It has exercises to relieve eye fatigue, and there are those that will even help restore vision. Provided, of course, […]

What are the yoga exercises to be done regularly for fitness? 16

What are the yoga exercises to be done regularly for fitness?

Yoga for Beginners: Basic Rules of Occupation Do you want to start yoga at home and are looking for a simple and understandable guide for this? You found it! We will talk about the basic principles of yoga for beginners, and also teach how to do basic exercises (asanas). Suryanamaskarasana or the Pose of Worship of the […]