Mental Control 3 “anti-stress” With very relaxing effects juices

Foods that relax

Have you ever thought how your diet affects your health?

For years, nutritionists around the world have tirelessly repeated the same sentence in order to promote a balanced and healthy eating: “We are what we eat” .
Actually, what we eat affects our body, our mind and our attitude beyond what we believe.

It depends on what we eat during the day calmer, more fatigued, more nervous or more active.

So from Silva Method, we want to share with you a ‘relaxing’ recipes that sumes your day to day with your meditation and Logres have a much more relaxed life.

Are you Prepare @?

Meditation and relaxing food

You have many options for a life of peace, harmony and wellbeing.

One, and probably one of the most important, is meditation.

Meditate means investing in health, whatever the time and the time that you carry out (see our video “When you like to meditate” to know what time it is better for you).

And is that part of release stress and provide tranquility, meditation gives us many more extraordinary consequences.

Among them, it helps us to disconnect from the noise of the outside world to connect with the silence of our inner world.

If you want to learn how to achieve it we invite you download our 8 free lessons plus a guided meditation audio (the famous exercise of centralization Alfa), and you begin to experience the benefits of spending a few minutes a day to meditate (go here to receive 8 free lessons in your mailbox).

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And although meditation is very important for your health, you should not make the mistake of absolutely leave everything in his hands.

Everything you do affects your life, and that includes how you feed.

So from the Silva Method we suggest you a little challenge: to review your eating habits and combine 3 juices anti-stress we share we will then with a few minutes of meditation a day (go here to listen to our guided meditation special to meditate Alfa).



Mind Control: 3 juices and relaxing anti-stress

Experts agree that stress is the greatest enemy of the century, but how about adding your meditation minutes of any of these three powerful anti-stress liquefied? Try them and tell us what you stay with.

1. Liquefied strawberries

It brings a lot of energy and therefore is ideal especially early in the day.

To prepare you will need 1 cup of milk (which you like), 3 large strawberries, 3 tablespoons granola, 1 tablespoon honey and half a banana.

You have to wash the strawberries and insert them in the blender with the remaining ingredients. If you want, you can also add some ice to have appearance of smothie . And voila , you have a delicious breakfast that not only relax you, but it will bring a lot of energy to face the day with a smile.

2. kiwi juice, spinach, lettuce and honey

Besides being a great way to combat stress, its contrast of flavors make it special and pleasant to take. A cocktail of vitamin C, iron, potassium, a lot of minerals and lettuce tranquilizing effect that will leave you ready to stand up to stress.

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To prepare need 2 kiwis, 5 spinach leaves, lettuce leaves 5 and 1 tablespoon of honey.

First of all you must wash the kiwis, lettuce leaves and spinach. You have to peel the kiwi, split it and put it in the blender with the other ingredients.

After the Licuas all at high speed, you can also strain it if you prefer well and … green juice ready to serve!

3. Carrot juice

It is not only an easy recipe to prepare, but it brings many benefits to help you achieve peace of mind and keep your balance. It can be taken at any time of day and in a week, the results are obvious.

To prepare need 6 carrots, 2 stalks of celery, 1 cucumber and 4 branches of parsley.

First of all you have to get all the juice of carrots and celery stalks with extractor. After all ingredients in a blender and attempt to obtain a final blend. So easy you have your juice ready to serve And with proven results!

What did you think these three juices? Try to take the one you like (or even all three!) To make you feel more at peace with yourself, and within a week … Let us know the results!????

In addition to these juices, you should know that the banana or banana helps calm the nerves, lifts the spirits and up the defenses are weakened by stress .

The Orange and all citrus, is an antioxidant and very healthy, perfect for stress reduction .

So they are oats, rice and apple . And many other foods such as pasta, bread, whole grains, spinach, bluefish, pistachios, avocados, almonds, nuts, raw vegetables, milk, lettuce and cabbage among others .

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The black tea also helps recover from stressful events more quickly.

What did you think these foods? What more you want juice?

try some of these juices, have a balanced diet, take a few minutes a day to meditation … in harmony and enjoy the results!

It sounds good, right?