Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques 3


There are many relaxation techniques for all tastes and colors … But with a peculiarity: all are equally necessary in a world marked by the rush and pressures.

Imagine for a moment a car, for some reason starts early well and starts to add kilometers and kilometers running back and forth aimlessly without rest at any time.

Imagine a car that is always in motion and not for the engine no more than a few hours at night sometimes you are insufficient to return to the level of the previous day.

What do you think would happen if that car keeps doing that for a long time?

Not only wastes fuel, engine wear and gradually loses effectiveness: but every day is at a level slightly lower than the previous day.

Well, that car could be any of us when we are under pressure from day to day, rush, stress and tensions, slopes and simultaneous tasks.
And inevitably, there are times when one has to stop to keep walking .

Why relaxation is so important: it is our natural state, and provides deep rest while regulating metabolism, heart rate and breathing, and frees us from the muscular and mental tensions that have accumulated during the day.

Relax is essential to cope with everyday life where fears, the rush and stress haunt us at all times.

And so from the Silva Method we want to help you relax to live longer and better, to be more productive, to have greater well-being and harmony … and ultimately, to be happier.

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And for this we have selected six relaxation techniques that will help you put that break during the day will help you feel better and better. Your body will notice, your mind too. And that will affect your quality of life.


Silva Method since we know that these six relaxation techniques can do much for you, but we also know that to meditate you need a base.

And for this we recommend two options:

1) The course of the Silva Method Life, where you will learn how to meditate and how to use the potential of your mind to improve any area of your life. You will learn techniques and tools that will help you ward off bad habits, make more money, a better job, meet that special person and even discover what the purpose of your life.

All this while awake your intuition, your creativity and all the potential in your brain and staying asleep. But that’s just a small part of what you can learn. We invite you to read more here.

2) If you want to start more basic or if you have simply yet clear whether the Silva Method is for you, we invite you to download the free mini course of the Silva Method “You borderless”.

In it you will learn how to meditate with the famous audio exercise of centralization Alpha and find out everything you need to start awaken the power of your mind. So far more than 90,000 people worldwide have downloaded the free lessons. You can do it now HERE.

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And now: Here we share 6 relaxation techniques for you to try, selections that best suit you, the add to your day to day and even combine them as you like.

Easy, quick, effective and that pause as needed to “keep running” ????

Try it and tell us what you found them.

6 Techniques for relaxation for body and mind

> Meditate while walking .

Walking is one of the oldest relaxation techniques, but often walked so fast and with so many thoughts in our mind that we miss everything a good ride offers.

Something as simple as walking can be the greatest of your hobbies if you become aware of the moment.

It can be a totally different experience than you know! It is paying attention to feelings, colors, smells, sounds … In our article ” meditate while walking ” we tell you how to do it in 11 steps. You can read it here.

> Meditate on the water .

Whether you prefer an invigorating shower in the morning as if you’re just taking a hot bath after work you should know something: you can use those minutes to meditate.

Pay attention to feelings, be seduced by the pleasure of finding yourself and let the rush is the only drops of water touch your body.

In our article ” relaxes the mind on the water ” we tell you how you can do it.

> Meditate while traveling .

Did you know that meditate while you travel can enrich your experience and even make you enjoy more of your trip?

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See new places, new cultures, taste different foods and sleeping in different places can become an incredible experience if it amounts to a special meditation for those travel days.

In our article ” 7 ways to meditate while traveling ” we propose several ways to do it.

> Meditate at work .

Many people are so stressed in their workplace that would do anything to relax for a few minutes to stop to keep walking.

You must know that it is not only possible, but is also simple and effective if you use the three relaxation techniques that you share in our article and that are special to meditate at work.

> Meditate in 5 minutes .

Are you one of those who thinks you never have time to meditate? Is it hard to find the time? So this meditation is for you.

You only need two things: 1) 5 minutes between 1440 having the day, and 2) try relaxation techniques you prefer from among the 5 that you share in our blogpost ” 5 ways to meditate for busy people “.

> Meditate with precious stones .

Did you know that gemstones balance the body and mind, nullify bad energies and help in meditation? You more in ur article “Learn how to meditate with precious stones”> Learn to meditate with precious stones “which also will share a meditation exercise that will activate all your senses.



What did you think these 6 relaxation techniques? We invite you to try them, we are convinced that in a few days (or even immediately after implementing these techniques) will notice the first results. We hope your opinions!