What’s the use of chakra meditation?

The Chakras: How to use in daily life Manipura. The solar plexus chakra 3 chakra is a fiery solar chakra that…

7 years ago

Which one should I choose: Isha Yoga or Transcendental Meditation?

Meditation is a powerful tool for spiritual growth, and is essentially a process to take a person beyond the limitations…

7 years ago

What is chakra meditation?

Chakra meditation, a powerful meditation technique for your well-being Practicing chakra meditation first and foremost strengthens weak chakras, but also…

7 years ago

What are the eight limbs of yoga and their meanings?

WHAT DO THE 8 MEMBERS OF YOGA MEAN? Why are you talking about 8 members of yoga? You will certainly hear…

7 years ago

What are the eight stages of Patanjal Yoga?

The eight Steps of Yoga The Indian sage Patanjali described in the yoga sutras of Patanjali the eightfold path of yoga .…

7 years ago

What are the benefits of yoga for men?

Good Reasons to Yoga (when you are a Man) As every two weeks, here comes the time of your article…

7 years ago

What is the best yoga for weighloss?

Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss Looking for the best yoga asanas for weight loss? You’ve come to the right place.…

7 years ago

What are some advanced yoga positions?

Yoga Asanas You have to know - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced We are all aware of yoga asanas. But did you…

7 years ago

How can I reduce my knee pain without medicines?

Relieve knee pain with Yoga The knees support part of the weight when walking, so that a pain of them…

7 years ago

Which yoga is for a knee problem?

Yoga and health of the knees In this article, we'll talk about how to protect your knees in yoga classes,…

7 years ago