Yoga - a few items that will help you lose weight quickly By reading this article you will learn that…
It is the sitting meditation in the traditional position of the lotus , practiced by the human being since prehistory. Zazen is not…
How to breathe correctly to meditate If you are one of those who accumulate tensions daily and do not know…
7 THINGS THAT YOGA CHANGED IN MY LIFE Yoga came to my life without me knowing that it was yoga. My…
Yoga for children, why and where to start? Yoga is known to bring us back to ourselves in the present…
What are the benefits of Yoga on your health? Are you looking for a good reason to put yourself in Yoga ? From…
Yoga for children Why is your practice important? The world of children today is very similar to that of adults, and…
Children who practice yoga, more concentrated children Results It is a discipline that has become popular both in young people and…
Benefits of yoga in children Sometimes it is complicated when we have children, especially when they are small, to find…
Know the 12 benefits of your children practicing yoga for children If you have returned to the routine and you…