To drink or not to drink water during a yoga practice?

Our readers often ask the question: Is it possible to drink water during the practice of yoga. Therefore, in this…

7 years ago

Hatha Yoga for Beginners

The practice of Hatha Yoga for beginners includes mainly work with asanas. The initial course of Hatha Yoga is not…

7 years ago

Ayungar and Yoga Ayangara

Iyengar yoga (or Ayengar- yoga ) - is one of the styles of Hatha Yoga, which was founded by Sri…

7 years ago

Yoga with cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is also called cervical spondylosis or herniated disc of the cervical spine. If simple terms, it is damaged…

7 years ago


For many people, excess weight is one of the biggest problems. And it's not just that glossy magazines and television…

7 years ago

Pranayama in Kundalini Yoga

In Kundalini yoga uses a wide range of ways of breathing. They are more complex and more important here than…

7 years ago

Yoga therapy for digestive system problems

Currently, digestive disorders are common among people of all ages. The causes of such disorders may be different, but most…

7 years ago

Yoga during pregnancy

Relative to the practice of yoga during pregnancy are prevalent some misconceptions: women fear that yoga can lead to miscarriage.…

7 years ago

Yoga for Men’s Health

If we visit the modern yogaCenter, the first thing that we have caught my eye - it is the predominance…

7 years ago