
Why is Namaste special in yoga?

What does gesture namasta mean in yoga practice and in ordinary life? Doing the traditional Indian and Tibetan greeting Namaste,…

7 years ago

What is the point of yoga?

What is the meaning of yoga? Yoga - this word has become very popular in the modern world. Around yoga, the…

7 years ago

How does one attain moksha through Jnana-yoga?

Practice of Jnana Yoga, results in everyday life In Hindu philosophy, one of the types of yoga is called jnana…

7 years ago

How does one attain moksha through karma yoga?

KARMA YOGA : GET MOKSHA BY DOING YOUR DUTY The word karma is derived from Sanskrit word “Kri” meaning “to…

7 years ago

How many pranayamas are in yoga?

Full breath of yogis Many thousands of years ago, the enlightened people of the East taught that every power and…

7 years ago

What is Pancha Kosha in Hatha Yoga?

Yoga therapy is based on the concept of Pancha Kosh According to the yogic concept, a person has five bodies,…

7 years ago

How is HATHA Yoga helpful in our day to day life?

HATHA YOGA: INTEREST AND BENEFITS You read my latest articles on running but also those on tennis , football and cycling. You know that all physical and sport…

7 years ago

What are the principles of Raja yoga?

Fundamentals of Raja Yoga Fundamentals of Raja Yoga . According to ancient Indian teachings, nature gives more energy to a person for…

7 years ago

What are the basic concepts of Raja Yoga?

Raja Yoga  Raja Yoga is the exposition of the universal principles underlying all forms of meditation. This millenary path of spiritual realization…

7 years ago

How do I raise kundalini energy?

How to raise kundalini energy Kundalini is a powerful energy that silently sleeps in every human being and is part…

7 years ago