Develop your intuition: About the techniques of the compass and the rocket

In this video training we will talk about two of the most powerful techniques we teach in Silva Intuition: the technique of the compass and the rocket.

In less than 4 minutes you will learn what is the missing piece to your puzzle and why these two infallible techniques will help you achieve everything you want.

The best? If you apply not only’re becoming creator of your reality but also will be connecting with the “missing piece you” … But better let you see it on video.

Do you count us what you think? We hope your comments below! (It may take a few seconds to load the video, but it’s worth waiting for!)


Once you begin to develop your intuition you realize those signs that cry out to be heard and not even detect.

Then you start to find more meaning to everything, more solutions to your problems and challenges, you start to make better decisions … and everything begins to change.