How many Yoga Asanas are best for beginners?

Yoga postures for all levels!

Yoga poses step by step …

Do you want to get into yoga, but do not know where to start? Aufeminin helps you start your yogi career! Here are some explanations on the main positions or postures of yoga (there are several hundred) to practice at home, everyday.

Begin yoga
You have never practiced? No problem. Most of these yoga positions are ultra simple and require nothing more than a rug, a light outfit and 30 minutes of tranquility! Some postures (qualified “advanced” in their title), you will probably require a little training before being mastered.
If you lack flexibility, do not force yourself, help yourself with a strap or stacks of books when you do not touch the ground, in order to have the same support or a possibility of stretching.

A 15-Position Yoga Session A yoga
session can be conducted as follows: After a sun salutation , combine 5 standing yoga postures, 5 sitting postures, and 5 relaxation postures.
Hold each yoga position for 5 breathing cycles (or 10 breathing cycles for relaxation postures).
It’s up to you to choose among the 20 yoga figures proposed here!

Hatha yoga, a sporty yoga 
The vast majority of yoga classes are concerned mainly with the body dimension, that is,  hatha yoga .
In the traditional way, it aims to keep the body in an optimal state of health and to discipline the mind.
It revolves around three main tools:

-The  postures . From the plow to the boat through the half moon, there are more than 1,000. Static or dynamic (sequences like the famous greeting in the sun), they are always done without force, in the respect of the body, paying attention particular to the positioning of the body and the alignment of the spine.

-The  breathing exercises. Inseparable from the practice of postures, they revolve around four main phases of breathing: inspiration, retention full lungs, expiration, and empty lung retention. During a yoga class, there are different ways to breathe: focusing on one or the other of these phases, adopting a slow or fast pace, breathing through a single nostril, both nostrils, alternating nostrils, producing or not sound, inspiring or expiring more or less long.

-The Relaxation . This phase, which usually concludes the session, is performed in a sitting or lying position. It is accompanied by slow, deep breathing, suggestions, or soft sounds.

The lotus

Posture of the lotus “Padmasana” (meditation):

> Position: sitting, legs cross-legged, ideally feet on the thighs. Arms relaxed almost tensed, hands resting on the knees, palms up to the sky, indexes and thumbs pinched in “chin mudra” (attitude of wisdom or consciousness).

> Caution: Keep your back straight by stretching the spine upwards and releasing the shoulders so as to tighten the shoulder blades, but without contraction.

> Benefits of this yoga position
Concentration and calm.

Posture of the sitting pliers “Pashimottanasana” (forward flexion) 

> Posture: sitting on the floor, legs stretched, feet flexes. Attempt to stick your face to the legs by grabbing your wrists behind the soles. Fingers of the hand held in “chin mudra” (attitude of wisdom or consciousness).
If you are not flexible enough, use a strap or scarf that you hold between your hands and go behind your soles.

> Caution: Keep your back straight and your shoulders down. Do not curl your back to achieve it at all costs.

> Benefits
Intense stretching of the whole back of the body, brings tranquility and calm.

The sitting pliers (beginner)

Posture of the sitting pliers “Pashimottanasana” A (forward flexion):

> Position (beginner): Sitting, legs straight (or slightly bent). A strap or scarf is placed behind the soles of the feet and used to bring the bust forward.

> Attention: To succeed in this yoga posture, keep your back straight and your shoulders down.

> Benefits: intense stretching of the whole back of the body, brings tranquility and calm.

> Look (“drishti”) towards the big toes.

Janu Sirsasana

Posture “Janu Sirsasana” (to do right and left):

> Position: Variation of the forceps with one leg extended, foot flexed, the other folded, foot against the groin of the opposite thigh. Wrist tightened. Fingers of the hand held in “chin mudra” (attitude of wisdom or consciousness).

Head-to-knee posture

Head and knee posture “Marichyasana” A (right and left):

> Position: One leg stretched on the ground, foot flexe. The other folded, foot flat in the ground. Catch one of the wrists in the back by encircling with the arm the bent knee. The thumb and forefinger are pinched in “chin mudra” (attitude of wisdom or consciousness). Face to the leg.

> Benefits of this yoga position
Stretching the bust, increases the flexibility of the spine with a slight twist and opens the hips.

> Look (“drishti”): Tip of the nose or big toe.



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