The human nervous system is composed of two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. Higher CNS – cortex of the cerebral hemispheres is responsible for higher nervous activity: the work of the mind, memory, and thinking. ANS – separated nervous system regulating the internal organs, endocrine and exocrine, blood and lymph vessels. respiratory system under the control of the ANS, digestion, excretion, circulation and others. The function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) – to adapt the work of the internal organs to the changing environment. For example, in the external environment appears life-threatening to humans. At this point, activates the sympathetic ANS Department, released into the blood hormones (adrenaline and noradrenaline), a man quickens the heartbeat, increased pressure is disclosed capillaries and increases sweating, pupils dilate. The human body is actively preparing for the struggle for existence, the whole body is dominated by energy-consuming processes, at this point the work of the digestive tract slows down organs and blood are redistributed to the periphery – to the muscles.
Or the opposite case – a man tightly ate and lay down on the bed, around the calm atmosphere in which no stress factors at this point activates the parasympathetic ANS Department – becomes less breathing, slows the heartbeat and the pressure is reduced. Begins to actively work the gastrointestinal tract, is dominated by energy-preserving processes, the body is gathering energy. Normally, these two divisions are included when necessary. In the event of vegetative-vascular dystonia, these mechanisms slipping and triggered inappropriately.
How would it not sound corny, but, first of all, to begin to comply with the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking, alcohol consumption minimized, you can sometimes afford only good red wine. Diet should be established: it must be balanced, ie include all essential macro – and trace elements, and a balance of protein and carbohydrates. Beneficial effect on health of the use of herbal teas and aromatherapy. A great help in the treatment of this disease is Hatha Yoga . It not only helps to get rid of daily stress, but gently and gradually heal the IRR.
Before you start doing yoga, you should remember that the practice should be gradual. It is impossible to start intensive studies with force elements. Load and length of stay in the asanas have to be selected individually. The important point is that in determining the practice should take into account the variation of the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia. VVD is of two main types of hypertensive type with a predominance of the sympathetic division of the ANS, and hypotonic type with a predominance of the parasympathetic division of the ANS.
When VSD on hypertonic type is amplified sympathetic tone ANS with simultaneous weakening of the braking process. Therefore, in the practice of Hatha Yoga is necessary to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Starting with the best practices 5 Shavasana minute or 10-minute Supta Baddha Konasana s to maximally relax the body. Further yoga practice should be built on the principle of the predominance of slopes as they calming effect on the body, thereby activating parasimpatiku. Between asanas is recommended to perform a short relaxation throughout the sessions, especially if the increase in breathing and heart rate. Attention should be given to the twisting asanas lying and sitting ( Brahadvadzhasana , Dzhathara Parivartanasana ) , which will stimulate and harmonize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Particular attention should be paid to the inverted postures ( Viparita-Karani , Sarvangasana , halasana ). To achieve a deeper effect and parasympathetic relaxation optimally implement them with the support (or the wall with a chair). At the end should be done long Shavasana or Yoga Nidra . Additionally, to enhance parasimpatiki very useful meditation practices and pranayama with elongation exhalation (e.g., full breath
VSD on hypotonic type – the most common type of the disease. Its characteristic feature is the enhancement of inhibition of excitability with simultaneous weakening process, i.e., the predominance of parasympathetic tone of the autonomic nervous system. Consequently, in the Hatha Yoga practice is necessary to activate the sympathetic nervous system. Begin the practice should be a dynamic techniques ( Surya Namaskar ). Further, the practice should be based on the principle of the prevalence of deflections as they stimulate Simpatico and stimulate adrenal function, which in turn, increases the energy-consuming processes. It is recommended that the lateral slopes ( Utthita Trikonasana , Utthita Parshvakonasana ) to stimulate the liver, which at VSD hypotonic type assumes the load of special detoxification. To activate the sympathetic ANS useful to perform standing poses and balances on his feet. At the end of the training can be done short Shavasana. When practicing pranayama should not focus on inhalation. Prolonged inhalation activates the sympathetic nervous system. Also Kapalabhati , Bhastrika and Surya Bhedana have a good stimulating effect on the parasympathetic ANS.
In conclusion, it must be said that under the vegetative-vascular dystonia masked many diseases. So do not try to diagnose yourself alone! But if the verdict has already been passed and you have ESP, do not pigeonhole right now begin to live a healthy lifestyle.
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