Categories: Yoga Tips

Injuries to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and how to avoid them

Proper practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga has no contraindications. But only if we follow the traditional approach of development practice. Sometimes, under the practice Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga understands the complete sequence performed in the hall under the hand of the instructor (LED-Class). As such, the practice is not for everyone, and many may even harm.


The first sequence of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga called Yoga -Chikitsa (Yoga Therapy) is aimed at improving and strengthening the body, eliminating the problems of the musculoskeletal system. But that the first sequence has brought positive results, not traumatized practice (as is unfortunately often the case) to start its implementation should be carefully and gradually.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is effective and safe option only Mysore class, when each member of the audience performs a sequence in a rhythm, and in such a form in which it is available to him now. Mysore-class allows you to completely adapt to the needs of a specific sequence of human and helps the very rapid progress in practice. In the classical version of the development of the first series newcomer at first makes only Surya Namaskar , doing his rounds 10-20. And completing the simplified practice inverted postures. So, going on for about two months until the body become stronger and will not be ready to proceed to the next stage – the unit standing asanas.

Standing poses strengthen the knees (prevent further injury), gently open the pelvis, rebuilt right axis of the body, teach the practice to feel the inner workings of muscles include “bandha”. While standing poses will not be performed easily and with even breathing, the practitioner is not necessary to move on to a seating lotus provisions that can be traumatic for the knees, especially for a beginner.

LED and Mysore

There is a common misconception that you need to come to the LED-classes to quickly remember the sequence. Most often it is after the LED-classes, people conclude that Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga does not suit them, it’s a tough and traumatic experience.

Many are accustomed to engage in a group, repeat the exercise for the teacher, and LED-classes are very common and popular. This creates a lot of negative stereotypes about Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Mysore classes are usually confused by the new practice, activity seems insufficiently dynamic or too complicated. But this is the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga – independent work on the sequence under the teacher’s supervision.

Stiffness in the shoulders and thoracic spine

Correct implementation of vinyasa – the basis of sound practices. That error in Chaturanga and dog muzzle up – the reason for the common problem of enslavement shoulders and thoracic at development of Ashtanga Yoga in the tradition of Pattabhi Jois.

In chaturanga dandasane body weight should be supported by muscles bark, then removed the bulk of the load from the shoulders and the trapezoid. It is very important to correct the body detuning “dog muzzle up”: when the point in the center of the chest is actively fed forward, and blade down to the pelvis to the chest department sagged gently. While the disclosure of the thoracic insufficient, do not throw back his head, it is traumatic for the neck and overstrains area of ​​a trapezoid. Proper execution of a dog up as a preparation and a supply position to the final bridges.

5 breaths and more

The traditional practice of Mysore-class allows you to capture asana longer than five breaths. If we turn to the writings of Pattabhi Jois, the founder of the style, we can see that the master never limited stay in asanas five breathing cycles. Initially fixation were longer and to perform full sequence takes much more time. Five breaths – a compromise at least the late AVY version, adapted to the rhythm of life of modern people.

If you feel that in some asana you must stay longer for more accurate tuning out and deepening poses – Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga not only allows, but welcomes it. The main thing – to maintain a steady breathing rhythm with ujjayi and perform vinyasa.

ICING: health & beauty

Foot icing – distinctive element that distinguishes Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga from other traditional styles. Forwarding not only make the practice of smooth and airy, making gymnastic element of aesthetics, they are also a tool of self-diagnostics. ICING shows weaknesses in practice, helping to focus efforts on improving them.

To make the icing, you need to master the operation of the internal muscles, “castles” – uddiyana and mule

bandha, well strengthen the muscles of the cortex (and press your lower back). Control and power of these muscles are the foundation of a safe and correct practice. Prepare the body to help the icing numerous vinyasa. And when properly used is enough to a few months of regular practice to start making icing.

Neck and headstand

Headstand – final asana first series. It is the latter, not only because it calms the nervous system, preparing the body to rest, but also because it requires practice preparation.

When you stand on the head in the first series of body weight should be carried on the shoulders. Head and neck at the same time remain free as possible. In the second series are variations Sirshasana without relying on the shoulders. But the move to implement them only recommended for trained practitioners, when the neck muscles are strengthened enough and there are no problems in the cervical spine.


Success in practice!

About the correct practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga said Tatiana Krivchikova

Tatiana Krivchikova:

The experience of the practice of yoga for about 10 years. Teacher Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga studio Yogatemple (Kharkov). Student of Mark Darby and Joan, Alena Naasan, Valentina Malinovskaya.


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