Laura Silva, the number one exponent of the Silva Method
Laura Silva
Daughter of Jose Silva Method Silva , creator of Life –
Laura has followed the footsteps of his father and continued his legacy over the last fifteen years as President of Silva International . In 2000, Laura met a group of experts in the field of mental development, to create his own company: Silva 2000, which then evolves MindBiz. Currently, both companies are part of the Silva community and work in parallel by keeping alive the legacy of his father Joseph, but introducing modern teaching techniques: e-learning.
The team of Silva International, led by Laura takes the main concepts of the original method and adds them to the most innovative studies by leading scientists who study the development of mind and intuition.
As expected, Laura is the official host of the Silva Method and has moved and persuaded people of all ages and from all over the world to improve their quality of life. It’s a very warm, committed and full of positive energy person who transmits to all those who attend his seminars. He is also Director of Training Center coaches for ten years and with his collaborators is in constant study and development of new programs for personal development. She is also author of a book for parents and videotapes and audio on mental exercises and the Silva Method.
Like his father, Laura has devoted his entire life to personal development, being the bearer of his message and leader Silva Community. It consists of more than 6 million people from 110 countries, all passionate staff development. So what do you think? Are you ready to join our community?