Categories: Yoga Tips

Location of chakras

The Sanskrit word ” chakra
” means “wheel”. The most famous are the seven major chakras along the midline, parallel to the spinal column. These seven chakras are located in the etheric body. From the center of each chakra comes stalk towards the spine and connects to it. So he connect the chakras to the most important energy channels – Sushumna, which rises along the spine to the head. The chakras absorb the energy that comes to them from the universe, from the nature of the celestial beings, from humans.

Each chakra is located in a certain area of the body.  MULADHAR chakra located in the crotch area, at a point between the genitals and anus. Svadhishthana chakra located in the pelvis, and its pitch are approximately the width of two fingers below the navel. MANIPURA chakra located on the solar plexus, which lies in the diaphragm, between the breastbone and the navel. Anahata Chakra is situated in the center of the chest parallel to the heart, it connects the three lower chakras with the top three. As a result, it is the “heart” of the entire chakra system.  Vishudha chakra located on the surface of the neck, a throat area, its petals are arranged on the front side of the larynx, and the stem extends downwardly from the neck.  Ajna chakra   is located at the point between the eyes, just above the eye line.  Sahastrara chakra located in the top of the skull, its petals are directed upward and the stem moves down along the central energy filament.

The chakras are not static and mobile. Mobile chakra – a healthy chakra. Healthy chakra work can be compared with the operation of the valve. It opens and closes when it is needed. Chakra can be opened towards the right and suitable energy and closed, not allowing negative energy. Therefore, an important is not only the ability to open the chakras, but also its ability to shut down if necessary.

chakras mobility is not something to take for granted. There may be situations in which the mobility chakras becomes weak, the energy can not flow properly. As a result, this chakra is in this situation, it may be locked. Serious injury or a set of smaller injuries affecting certain chakra, can cause the loss of her mobility and lead to a blockade of the chakras. The loss of his chakra mobility, depending on the situations in life, is a gradual and extended.

disclosure of the chakras

Disclosure chakras – is to create a flow of energy between the two chakras (from downstream to the upper chakras). Disclosure of the chakras makes the human body more viable as actively working chakra has beneficial effects on the adjacent organs of the physical body, harmonizing their activities. Mobile chakra raises moral, ethical and spiritual level of the person. Thus, the higher is chakra, the higher moral and ethical and religious level reaches a person as a result of its disclosure.

If your life is that it is impossible, if you have insurmountable difficulties stop knocking on a closed door! Bring harmony to your chakras and begin to achieve any goals quickly and effortlessly with the unique system of pilot energoterapevta. Access to the program “The energy of the chakras.”


In earlier publications were posted video tutorials Kundalini yoga. These lessons dismantle of exercises that focus on the disclosure of each chakra:

Video. Disclosure of the Mooladhara Chakra

Video. Disclosure Svadhisthana Chakra

Video. Disclosure of Manipur Chakra

Video. Disclosure of the Anahata Chakra

Video. Disclosure Vishuddha Chakra

Video. Disclosure of the Ajna Chakra

Video. Disclosure Sahasrara Chakra


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