Yoga attracts by means of simple exercises you can easily achieve amazing effects: harmony of mind and body, well-being, weight loss. For beginners, it is sufficient to perform a complex of 10 asanas once a day. Postures can be very different. The main thing is to perform them regularly and with pleasure.

Yoga: the top 10 asanas for beginners … and not only

In Indian practice, it’s great that during exercises that seem simple, you can get a light and intense load. Each asana has simplifications for beginners and continuation for the experienced. Therefore, even the coolest yogis do not shun the fulfillment of the basic poses. First, they can dose the load. And secondly, the value has a duration. Try to spend in asana butterflies at least half an hour!

The 10 easiest yoga exercises are the key for harmony, flexibility and weight loss. They need to be carried out at the limit of their strength, but not allowing excessive workload, pain or tremors. If the asana seems too easy, go to complications, or expand the complex.

Bidalasana, or cat pose

Bidalasana, or cat pose

This pose on all fours. It is so simple and useful that it is available not only for beginners, but also for pregnant women. The technique of performing it is simple, but you need to make sure that your hands and feet are strictly perpendicular to the floor. In this position, begin to bend your back with an inspiration. Movement of the spine is slow and wavy, consistent with breathing. On the exhalation arch your back. This pose is not only useful for losing weight. It strengthens the back muscles and increases the flexibility of the spine. If Badalasana seems too simple for you, add a motion with your foot: on the inspiration try to touch the heel of the crown, on the exhale, reach out to the nose with your knee. Then repeat in the mirror version.

Adho mukha svanasana, or dog muzzle down

Adho mukha svanasana, or dog muzzle down

From bidalasana straighten your knees. Hold the feet tightly pressed to the floor, push your hands to the body to feed back, knees straight. Ideally, when performing such exercises, the uddiyana bandha should involuntarily arise – the belly as it falls through. If this happens, then you are in great shape, and no weight loss is required. Experienced yogis use adho mukha svanasana for rest. Its benefit is that it is partly inverted. Blood flows to the brain, its cells are refreshed, the complexion improves, and the walls of the abdomen perform a kind of massage for the digestive organs. To complicate this position, you can alternately raise your legs.

Virabhadrasana, or the pose of a warrior

Virabhadrasana, or the pose of a warrior

Step out of the adho mukha svanasana by placing one foot between the hands. Rise, straighten your back. Hands can be connected above the head. Then it will be virabhadrasana I. Or you can breed them in parallel to your legs. Then it will be virbhadrasana II. Keeping this posture helps to make the legs strong. In addition, it is good for losing weight in the pelvis. If the pose seems too simple for you, you can complicate the complex. To do this, you need to tear off one leg and straighten the body parallel to the floor, standing on the supporting foot. The pose requires execution on both the left and the right side.

Trikonasana, or the pose of the triangle

Trikonasana, or the pose of the triangle

From Virabhadrasana II, tilt the body to the front leg. The palm on the floor next to the foot with the same name. The second hand continues the line first. Trikonasana helps digestion and stretches the muscles of the waist. For beginners it is important to rebuild the position of the feet. The rear foot should have an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the front. This complex should also be performed twice, symmetrically with the right and left legs. If the exercise becomes easy, try reaching for your left leg with your right hand. Get a twisted pose, useful for losing weight. It is called parivrita trikonasana – an inverted triangle.

Tadasana, or the pose of the mountain

Tadasana, or the pose of the mountain

For beginners, this pose will be the easiest. It’s just standing position. The back is straight, the stomach is picked up, the feet are firmly pressed to the floor, the chin is parallel to the floor. Weight is evenly distributed over the soles of the feet. Tadasana tones the muscles and forms a posture, almost any asan complex begins with it. For complication, you can go to the simplest poses on the balance. To do this, you need to climb to your toes and try to stand so, keeping balance.

Vrikshasana, or tree pose

rikshasana, or tree pose

The most popular asana yoga, after the lotus. To fulfill it, you need to stand in tadasana, raise one of the legs and press your foot against the inside of the thigh of the opposite leg. Vrksasana helps to increase the volume of the lungs and trains the vestibular apparatus. For beginners, it may be a secret that the balance depends on the aspiration of the look. When we look at one point, our body is more stable. Yogis say it is difficult to maintain balance? Look at the floor. It became easier? Look in front of you. Did you manage it? Keep your eyes up. If you stand steadily, close your eyes.

Riding on a camel. This is a dynamic complex

Camel riding – a dynamic complex

The starting position – sitting on his knees and heels, or in Turkish. On the exhalation arch your back, on inhalation – bend. The complex helps to activate the movement of energy in the main canal of the body, located along the spine. It also increases the flexibility of the back, while internal organs are massaged, and this is good for losing weight. If the complex does not give the same effect, try to make it faster. In doing so, the yogis use the breath of fire – a quick intense exhalation through the nose, an arbitrary breath.

Baddhakonasana, or the posture of a closed angle

Baddhakonasana, or the posture of a closed angle

In the people – a butterfly. Sitting, put the feet together and bring them closer to the crotch. Now it’s about stretching. But do not need sharp movements and strong-willed efforts. For beginners, the pose is mastered only by prolonged retention. It’s good to find at least 10 minutes for baddhakonsana every day. It not only promotes stretching, which is useful for yoga afterwards, but also has a good effect on the genitourinary system. Pose is useful for pregnant women. If the stomach does not allow you to sit comfortably in this asana, you can lie on your back without changing the position of your legs.

Pashchimotanasana, or the traction of the western part of the body

Pashchimotanasana, or the traction of the western part of the body

Yogis represent a person face to face east. The western part of the body is the posterior one. Sitting, you need to bend over to your straightened legs. Knees are straight, the back, if possible, does not round. The pose is good for varicose veins, it removes toxins from the body and is indispensable for weight loss. For complication, you can take hold of the feet and forcefully pull yourself down.

Purvotanasana, an extension of the eastern part of the body

Purvotanasana, an extension of the eastern part of the body

For beginners it is important to perform it after the previous one, this will be compensation. From pashchimotanasana, you need to go up, place your palms on your buttocks with your fingers in front, and then lift the pelvis up, without bending your knees. Purvotanasana strengthens wrists, ankles and a press, and also increases the volume of the lungs.

These 10 asanas can be performed consistently as a complex, and can be included in various other activities. For rapid weight loss, connect intense breathing, and for relaxation, on the contrary, slow down the work of the lungs. After mastering these postures, you can go to the main complex of yoga – a greeting to the sun.