Categories: Yoga Tips

What are the benefits of core power yoga?

Immediate benefits of Yoga practice


It is well established that the practice of Yoga can reduce the physical and mental effects of stress. The body responds to stress through a fight or flight response that involves a combination between the sympathetic nervous system and hormonal activation pathways; Cortisol – the so-called stress hormone – is released from the adrenal glands.

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The practice of Yoga that proposes a listening process and that in its approaches aims to develop respect and sensitivity to the body and mind, reduces cortisol levels almost immediately. Most Yoga classes propose this process.

The combination of action and relaxation in the practice of Yoga is essential to live the experience of stress elimination; learn to relax in action, even in intense action, is the seed that creates personal resources to respond to the frenetic pace of life with equanimity and focus: without stress.


The most immediate results of the practice of Yoga and meditation have to do with the cultivation of inner peace and stillness. They are the basis for the other benefits of Yoga to have a real and authentic effect. We must know that the practice of Yoga gives us this experience and develops in us a true attitude of equanimity. It is essential to live a dignified and happy life.


This is the great gift that Yoga offers us: the connection with the present moment. The more we practice, the more aware we become of our environment and the world around us and without doubt, the more awareness we generate about ourselves. It opens the way to better concentration, coordination, reaction time and memory.


The practice of Yoga contributes to improve the heart and lung. Thanks to the vinyasa that present postures linked to the rhythm of breathing, the aerobic activity that the body needs for the optimal functioning of a healthy heart is also generated.


Yoga through postures and movement, helps improve circulation efficiently and helps the oxygenation of body cells.


While most of the effects of Yoga on weight loss are anecdotal or experimental, both Yoga teachers and students find that Yoga helps maintain weight. Many teachers specialize in Yoga programs that help you lose weight but it would be superfluous to practice Yoga for that reason. Never forget that this benefit is a gift that the practice of Yoga gives us as we walk towards the main goal of knowing ourselves.


In the Yoga postures all the muscles of the body participate as if it were an orchestra that plays a harmonious melody. Therefore, an assiduous practice of Yoga can increase our strength, literally, from head to toe. At the same time, the coordination of action with relaxation relieves muscle tension throughout the body while increasing strength.


Yoga improves flexibility and mobility and increases range of motion. With an assiduous practice, the muscles are stretched more easily and the joints increase their elasticity. All this can offer us a greater agility in daily life and can prevent the ailments that appear with age as well as eliminate the effects that produce in the body some of the most common trades in our days: sitting for many hours in front of the computer, driving every day and spend a lot of time sitting at the wheel, working on foot …


It is the foundation of health and well-being. Yoga helps regulate and restore the balance of our nervous and endocrine systems that are responsible for the process of reception, integration and response of all types of information received by the body and mind.


One of the proposals that includes the practice of Yoga is the conscious contact with one’s own breathing. This facilitates the recovery of the most important vital function for the human being: complete natural breathing .

The first thing that stress does when it is incorporated into our lives is precisely to alter and limit breathing. Changing those breathing patterns is essential to begin to get health and experience important changes in our body. It is one of the deepest lessons we can learn from the practice of Yoga. Many Yoga postures and movements emphasize reducing speed and deepening the breath; This practice activates the parasympathetic nervous system and increases the relaxation response.


The practice of Yoga relieves pain . Studies have shown that the practice of asana (postures), relaxation, meditation and their combination, provide considerable relief of pain in people with diseases or ailments of any kind. Why? Because in a Yoga class one learns to listen, to relax, to bring intention and energy to the affected parts of the body, to know the sensations and manage them, to control and dissolve the effects of pain and, in short, to be present with trust and with an attitude of healthy and positive acceptance.


It is well established that the practice of Yoga can reduce the physical and mental effects of stress. The body responds to stress through a fight or flight response that involves a combination between the sympathetic nervous system and hormonal activation pathways; Cortisol – the so-called stress hormone – is released from the adrenal glands.

The practice of Yoga that proposes a listening process and that in its approaches aims to develop respect and sensitivity to the body and mind, reduces cortisol levels almost immediately. Most Yoga classes propose this process.

The combination of action and relaxation in the practice of Yoga is essential to live the experience of stress elimination; learn to relax in action, even in intense action, is the seed that creates personal resources to respond to the frenetic pace of life with equanimity and focus: without stress.


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