History: Bikram yoga was created on the basis of the basic elements of hatha in 1970 by Bikram Chowdhury. He was born in Calcutta in 1946 and began practicing yoga at the age of four. According to him, he engaged in it for 6 hours a day. At age 13, he won the National Indian Yoga Championship and remained so for three consecutive years. Later this yogi-sage developed 26 yogic asanas and founded Bikram yoga college in India. This direction turned out to be so effective that by 2006 there were more than 1,650 bikram yoga studios around the world.
26 Asan Bikram Yoga
- Pranayama series
- Ardha Chandrasana (crescent posture) and Padahastasana (stork posture)
- Utkatasana (chair stance)
- Garudasana (pose of the eagle)
- Dandama Janushirasana (balance on the leg, tilt of the head to the knee)
- Dandhayama Dhanurasan
- Tulandasana (balance posture)
- Dandama Bibhaktapaad Pashchmotanasana
- Trikanasana (the pose of the triangle)
- Dandama Bibhaktapaad Janushirasana
- Tadasana (pose of the mountain)
- Padangushtasana (posture lying with the grip of the foot)
- Shavasana (body posture)
- Pavanmuktasana (half pose of a cleansing fire)
- Climb
- Bhujangasana (cobra posture)
- Shalabhasana (locust pose)
- Purna Shalabhasana (full locust pose)
- Dhanurasana (pose of onion)
- Supta Vajrasana (diamond posture)
- Ardha kurmasana (pose of the half-troupe)
- Ustrasana (camel’s position)
- Sasangasana (the pose of a rabbit)
- Janushirasana and Pashchimotanasana
- Ardha Matsiendrasana (half pose of Matsyendra)
- Kapalabhati (breathing exercise “Radiance of the Skull”)
The main principle of bikram yoga is the intensive execution of a sequence of 26 asanas and 2 breathing exercises in a room with a temperature of 37 to 40 degrees. Despite the fact that not every yoga center can offer such a “hot yoga”, it is worth it to devote time to its search.
- Bikram yoga will be useful to everyone who wants to quickly, but safely to lose weight. In conditions of profuse sweating, excess water comes out of the body together with toxins and slags, which helps to lose weight and detoxify the body, besides, effective loads allow you to quickly bring muscle into muscle tone.
- Bikram yoga is suitable for those who want to quickly develop flexibility. At high temperatures, the body warms up itself and becomes flexible and supple, providing maximum comfort and safety practices. This is especially true for beginners, the first yoga classes for which do not bring any pleasure due to the fact that their muscles are tight, and most of the asanas are simply not available to them. If you hold the widespread opinion that you are inflexible in order to practice yoga – bikram yoga – the ideal solution for you.
- Even irregular exercises of bikram yoga relieve migraines, back pain and improve the performance of the musculoskeletal system.
Bikram yoga is recommended to people with a good physical preparation, since it is necessary to have a decent share of endurance to avoid dizziness or fainting. In cases of disorders of the optic-motor apparatus, in case of problems with the cardiovascular and respiratory system, as well as during pregnancy, it is recommended to postpone the practice.
- Do not eat for 1.5 hours before exercise;
- To prevent dehydration, be sure to drink 1.5 liters of water and drink plenty of water throughout the day;
- For a tangible result, it is recommended to attend classes about three times a week;
- Listen to the sensations of your body and adjust the degree of work yourself – intensive training is not suitable for everyone and it is not necessary to try to master all asanas from the first try;
- But remember that only the first lessons can be difficult, but overcoming the primary ailments, the body adapts and eventually will enter the rhythm.