In Sanskrit, “Pancha” means “five” and ” of Ayurveda , which are unique.
When there is a blockage in the lungs, creating recurring bronchitis attacks, cough, cold or asthma, Ayurvedic treatment is therapeutic vomiting (Vamana), which removes mucus, which creates an excess of kapha
Therapeutic vomiting also prescribed for diseases of the skin, chronic asthma, diabetes, chronic colds, lymphatic blockage, chronic indigestion, tumors, epilepsy (in the intervals between attacks), chronic diseases of the sinuses and recurring attacks of tonsillitis.
When released much bile, and it accumulates in the gallbladder, liver or intestine, the result may be a rash or allergic skin inflammation (dermatitis or acne), along with chronic fever, edema, bilious vomiting, or jaundice. Ayurvedic treatment such condition is the use of laxatives (Virechana). For this treatment can be used many beautiful grass.
However, be aware that laxatives should not take people with low agni , with high fever, diarrhea, severe constipation, with cavities in the lungs or bleeding from the rectum. They can not be taken when the presence of a foreign body in the stomach after the enema, in the case of exhaustion, weakness or loss of the rectum.
Ayurvedic treatment enema ( basti ) includes administering to the rectum of such drugs as sesame oil, or oil airovoe herbal mixture in the liquid state. Therapeutic enema completely cure vata disorders. It eases constipation, bloating, chronic fever, the common cold, sexual disorders, helps with kidney stones, heart pain, vomiting, pain of the back, neck and hyperacidity. Many Vata disorders such as sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism and gout is also cured by enema.
Drug enema should not be used if the patient suffers from diarrhea or bleeding from the rectum. Oil enema should not be put to people suffering from chronic indigestion, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, diabetes, or severe anemia, it is impossible to put the elderly and children up to seven years.
Nasal medication (Nasya) is recommended for dryness in the nose, sinus blockage, migraine headache, convulsions, and with the usual problems of eyes and ears. Typically, such treatment can not be applied after a bath, eating, after sex, drinking alcohol, it is also contraindicated during pregnancy and during menstruation.
Face, shoulders and chest are massaged with special herbal oils and is brought to sweating. Herbal extracts and oils in the exact dosage administered to the nose during inhalation. Then carefully massaged the nose, chest, hands and feet.
This method of removing toxins from the blood by phlebotomy. In the body, circulating toxins that enter the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. They may appear on the skin or in places of joints joints, causing disease. In such cases, the removal of toxins and cleansing the blood.
Bleed stimulates antitoxic effect particles in the bloodstream to help the formation of the immune mechanism of the circulatory system. Thus, the toxins are neutralized, which contributes to a radical treatment of many diseases of the blood and bone. Bloodletting is contraindicated in cases of anemia, edema, and weakness, it is not recommended for young children and the elderly. Perform this procedure can only be experienced Ayurveda therapist.
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