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Is yoga stretching really beneficial for the flexibility of the body?

Is yoga stretching really beneficial for the flexibility of the body? 1

What are the benefits of stretching and yoga?

Stretching and yoga have, in some way, several characteristics in common, in that yoga routines include stretching movements, although you can perform stretching activities without yoga exercises. Many types of exercise programs that do not involve yoga include stretching and flexing muscles.

The areas for stretching include the shoulders, neck, back, hips, thighs and calves. Stretching and yoga produce a variety of benefits, including the relief of chronic and acute conditions.


Greater flexibility can facilitate everyday tasks.

Improving flexibility, which refers to how much a muscle can stretch, is a key benefit of stretching and yoga movements. This can facilitate everyday tasks such as tying shoes, reaching objects in closets and lifting floor elements. Similarly, muscle coordination can be improved with regular stretching and yoga. As you get older, all these benefits will be even more important, as the muscles naturally tend to get stiff and get shorter over time. Therefore, yoga and stretching are means to keep those muscles flexible and agile.

Scope of movements

Stretching and yoga improve balance.
Stretching and yoga can maintain the lubrication of the joints, tendons and ligaments, which can improve the range of movements, and allow an increase in mobility and agility. You will have a better balance, therefore the probability of falling and injuring you will be less. These benefits are important at any age, although they are especially significant as you get older.

Better circulation

Muscle stretches improve circulation.

Stretching and yoga activities improve blood circulation throughout the body, including joints and muscles. This produces a faster healing of any muscle injury, and a greater influx of nutrients to the muscles at all times.

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Pain relief

Muscle relaxation relieves various pains.

Stretching and yoga can provide relief for back pain and arthritis. For pain in the lower back, stretching of the quadriceps and hamstrings, as well as the muscles of the hip and pelvis can help relieve discomfort. Stretching and yoga can also improve the headache by stimulating circulation and oxygen flow to it. The relaxation aspect of both activities can also contribute to reduce pain.


Yoga is an antidote to stress.

Stretching and yoga can be antidotes against stress, as they relieve and loosen tense muscles, and offer a sense of well-being and tranquility. In addition to the physical benefits of these practices, mental serenity also contributes to relaxation. Some people have turned to yoga to deal with problems such as anxiety and depression.

Improvement of posture

The improvement of the posture is another benefit of the practice of stretching and yoga. Muscle tension can contribute to poor posture; However, stretching those muscles can improve the alignment of the back and help good posture. The particular areas of stretching where these benefits occur are the torso, the shoulders and the lower back.

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