Jordi Pigem and vital intelligence

Jordi Pigem and vital intelligence

Jordi Pigem surprise us again in this great book that we discover the strength of the vital intelligence as a new way of understanding life.

“Vital intelligence” Jordi Pigem. Editorial Kairos


I discovered Jordi Pigem through his book “Good Crisis. Towards a materialistic world “ whose review you can read by clicking on the link, as well as its participation in another interesting volume entitled ” Spirituality and Politics “ which can also go into my review of the BiblioMind.

Its interesting contributions to a new way of understanding the world we inhabit and find a way to recognize what is happening to us in this change of era are now enlarged by this interesting volume Jordi Pigem has subtitling as a postmaterialist vision life and consciousness.

It is through that space of knowledge in many areas of life are recognized as merely the result of a mechanical movement, understand that there is a vital intelligence in everything around us and every living thing has capabilities that others do not have.

There is an attempt of self – realization of every living creature that Jordi Pigem encourages us to discover through this text to influence the discovery of vital intelligence.

In a change of era as we are going through, clear visions like Jordi Pigem are very interesting to shed light on the world we inhabit.

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This “vital intelligence” of Jordi Pigem I encourage you to read, is one of the texts in which the author works in this new development of a new paradigm.

Doctor of Philosophy and one of those beings “wise” you’re finding for life-speaking to us about how all life is endowed with perception and sensitivity or how there is intelligence in animals, plants and even in unicellular .

Jordi Pigem through the vital intelligence we discover that what guides organisms is not survival but self-realization.


As already pointed out in the book’s introduction, Jordi Pigem tells us that “it is developing a new way of understanding life that sometimes begins to be called post-Darwinist or post-genomics, because it captures what we’ve learned from Darwin and genome but integrates it into a much broader and fuller meaning context “ and that ” the new biology shows that everything alive, from the celulr level, is provided with sensitivity. And some kind of intelligence. We can call it vital intelligence, innate intelligence to everything vivivente “.

In short, a great find for love, even more life. It is the vital intelligence “no nondiscursive calculator and holding what we are and what we do.”


vital intelligence

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