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Vitamins for beautiful skin

In this article we will talk not only about vitamins, but other dietary supplements that improve skin condition.
Of course it is desirable to receive data chemical elements from natural products. However, in the winter-spring period, when food is less rich in vitamins and trace elements, as well as when we experience stress, which adversely affect our skin condition, can help nutritional supplements. This article is a description of the beginning and the use of vitamins for the skin, and in the end – the main skin diseases and advice on receiving the necessary vitamins.

Let’s start with vitamins

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is required for the formation of collagen and elastin, preserving and maintaining the skin structure.
With a lack of this vitamin the skin becomes dull and listless, her dark spots appear when exposed to sunlight, as the lack of askorbinki leads to a lack of immune protection of the skin.

vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol) – a powerful antioxidant.
He is not synthesized in the body and refers to a group of fat-soluble vitamins, so poorly excreted from the body (overdoses are dangerous to health). Vitamin E strengthens cell membranes, preventing damage, thereby, reduces the rate of aging of skin, skin smoothing creases, has excellent healing, anti-inflammatory properties, age returns skin smoothness, elasticity.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinol) normalizes the sebaceous glands and stimulates the production of natural collagen.
When the body of vitamin A in the right quantity the skin is smoothed, ceases to be dry, gets rid of wrinkles, it becomes elastic.

B vitamins

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) smoothes skin wrinkles, making deep wrinkles are less pronounced, and small imperceptible.
It is useful for sagging skin, can prevent aging.

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B2 (riboflavin) is required for the metabolism of fat, regulates the sebaceous glands.
At lack cracks appear on the lips, the corners of the mouth, skin inflammation.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) has nutrient, moisturizing, protective and powerful reducing properties, it allows the skin to actively resist the aggressive environment.
The lack of vitamin B6 can dermatitis, ulcers, dry.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) activates the recovery of the epidermis, protects vessels from destruction.

vitamin D

Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) helps to slow down aging processes at the cellular level, maintains overall tone.

vitamin K

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) is effective against pigmented spots and freckles, as
It has the bleaching action. Phylloquinone eliminates swelling and relieves inflammation.

vitamin PP

Vitamin PP (niacin) in sufficient quantity gives the face a healthy and natural color, protects from external influence.

vitamin P

Vitamin P (rutin) strengthens the walls of the capillaries of the skin, improving their strength and elasticity, combats signs of rosacea.

Skin diseases with a shortage of vitamins

  • Brown spots – Vitami C, Vitamin K, Vitamin PP

  • Acne, acne – Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2

  • Wrinkles – Witham E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin PP

  • Couperose – Vitamin C, Vitamin F, Vitamin B9, Vitamin K

  • Xeroderma – Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitami B6, Vitamin B2

  • Swelling – Vitamin K

Do not forget about the trace elements for healthy skin

Selenium protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Copper ensures development elastin – fibers that support the skin structure.

Zinc is known for its healing properties, it is actively used in the treatment of oily skin, acne-prone and oily shine.

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Silicon is involved in the production of collagen, and thus makes the skin more elastic.

Skin diseases with insufficient micronutrient

  • Brown spots – Selenium

  • Acne, pimples – Zinc

  • Wrinkles – Copper, Silicon

Amino acids for healthy skin

Alpha-lipoic acid is found in some foods and is produced in the human body. Due to the structure of alpha-lipoic acid can freely penetrate through the cell membrane. It is particularly useful in preventing wrinkles, promotes collagen production, balancing production of sebaceous glands, it stimulates the exfoliation of dead skin cells, preventing contamination of pores.

Hyaluronic acid helps to retain moisture in the skin. With age, the drawback of hyaluronic acid results in a more rapid loss of moisture and the appearance of signs of aging (wrinkles, loss of elasticity).

Coenzyme Q10 is produced in the human body. He restrains the synthesis of collagenase, an enzyme that breaks down collagen, stimulates the growth of new cells, fights free radicals.

Alpha-linolenic acid, omega 3 – polyunsaturated fatty acid, is part of the vessel wall. Omega-3 gives the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces the tendency to redness, prevents atherosclerotic changes in the vascular wall, thus struggling with the development of rosacea on his face.

Skin diseases at the lack of amino acids

  • Dryness – Hyaluronic acid

  • Wrinkles – Hyaluronic Acid, Coenzyme Q10, Alpha Lipoic Acid

  • Rosacea – Omega-3

  • Acne, pimples – Alpha Lipoic Acid

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