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Meditation: Learn to meditate at work


How to meditate in a busy workplace

Meditation: Learn to meditate at work 3


Unhurried, lack of time, stress, deadlines, stress … you sound these words?

On average we spend a third of our day to day in our workplace , and that causes that often one can not be everything you want relaxed. But that does not have to be this way!

There are times when one can not wait to get home to meditate, get away from all the noise from outside, away stress and find inner peace.

From the Silva Method we know that meditation can change your life and make it a much better place, but we are also aware that not always you know how to incorporate meditation into your other daily routines.

Therefore, after talking about meditation while walking, meditating in water or meditate while traveling, today we share another way to incorporate meditation into your daily life without interfering with your work and while you bring an extra dose of concentration and relaxation: meditate in your workplace .

Silva Method Life: how to meditate in the workplace

It is a misconception that one needs to be alone to meditate on top of a mountain.

We meditate to feel better, to relax our mind, to refuel and, ultimately, to enjoy better health and increase our quality of life.

By meditating we connect with our inner self, we learn to become aware of everything around us, we learn to live longer and better, we become more relaxed and happy, increases health and is an impetus for achieving the goals.

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So if you still have not, we recommend that you start to meditate as soon as possible.

It’s amazing how it changes your life in just a few days!

And if you do not know where to start, we recommend downloading our free lessons Silva Method, a mini-course essential for all people who want to change their lives meditating learn to do with the famous Alfa centralization exercise. If you have not received the free mini-course ” You borderless ” You can access it now from here.

Really, after all the benefits that meditation is a mistake to overlook all your options, such as meditating in the workplace.

Meditate at work provides better concentration, decreases the ability of distraction, improves memory, helps you learn faster, increases creativity, reduces stress significantly increases happiness levels and improves the ability to retain information .

So if meditation is the ideal way to increase the quality of life, and out stress need to live better … Why not merge the two concepts and meditate at work?

Meditation Techniques: 3 ways to meditate at work

Unless your workplace have a quiet, peaceful and enabled this space you can not meditate as you would at home.

But that need not be bad … On the contrary: it has its benefits!

Why? Because you can use other equally effective techniques that will improve your quality of life while you’re working and fulfill your duties.

Here we share three of them that will help reduce stress, you will bring relaxation and improve your concentration:

1- Concentrate on breathing. It is one of the simplest and most ancient forms of meditation, but it is also one of the fastest and most effective.

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When you’re sitting or walking around the office or your workplace, try to concentrate on your breathing.

Has ten full breaths; counting each inhalation and exhalation as a single number, and so on until ten.

If you lose count, start again until you get ten rounds followed breaths.

And most importantly: do it several times a day. You’ll be amazed how something so simple can change your everyday life for the better and change direction in your work towards greater effectiveness.

2- moment of full attention. Focus all your attention on everything you do.

When you have a few minutes break to sip tea, coffee, juice or water glass do it slowly, gradually, without haste, by focusing on the time and nothing else, savoring every sip as if only there that cup …

And do the same when you write, when you walk, when you put things in place … The point is that you focus all your attention on what you’re doing at every moment.

It seems obvious, but … How many times can you say you’ve focused your attention on everything you do? Try it and then tell us.

3- relaxing visualization. Close your eyes, relax and take a few deep breaths.

Then think about and visualize a relaxing scenery. It can be a waterfall, a natural place that you remember from childhood or the place of your dreams.

The point is that for a few minutes you focus on the scenery and get away stress and abundant thoughts for a few minutes and resume your duties at work with renewed energy.

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What did you think these three techniques to meditate in the workplace?

If you want more information about how to use meditation to relax, to have greater peace and prosperity, so that your daily life is much more productive, to achieve all your goals and ultimately to live better and improve your quality of life, you can read more information on our course of Silva Method Life.

There you will also find everything the Silva Method can do for you and become familiar with techniques and tools that will enhance your life almost immediately (such as creative visualization technique three fingers or glass of water only by mention to some) . Click here to visit the page, you surprised you everything you meditate on Alfa can do for you!

But beyond what your choice, what we recommend is to put into practice these 3 Technical (or some of them) the next time you’re in your workplace.

Which one is best suited to you? Do you use any different to relax in your work? Leave us a comment telling us why you think this information, and when you try the techniques we proposed to you, Tell us how it went!????

Ah! And finally, a recommendation: when you’re working try to always have your back straight, relax your jaw and listen to your body when you need a break.

Let your life be better and brighter every day!


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