Dokusho Villalba and Zen in the change of era. The market square

Dokusho Villalba and Zen in changing era.  Market Square

Dokusho Villalba poses in this book the essential principles of Zen also framing it in this society in which everything seems to be “commoditized”.


“Zen in the market” Dokusho Villalba Editorial Kairos


This is one of the reviews most difficult books that I write, in that the author, Dokusho Villalba, well know, I have it as my Master in the way of Zen since I met him in the temple Luz Serena Requena in Valencia back in 2000 and that if time allowed me, I’ll be like coming home.


I have on the table as I write this, the two editions of “Zen in the market” (my only problem with the practice of non – attachment I have with books). First published by the Aguilar Publishing and present you this delightfully maintained by the Editorial Kairos, incidentally, National Award for best cultural publishing work.

In the first edition of Aguilar, there is written on the cover that says “Keys zen to understand and heal the existential malaise in the era of globalization” and that is precisely what makes this new edition of Kairos imperative text to understand what it is that Zen and Zen can serve if it helps.

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There is more to appeal to the pre – Socratic saying “nothing mattered” to recognize the importance of being present in the here and now.

Conveniently divided into two parts , Dokusho Villalba with great success, write a first part where we discover what this Zen where we talk about its history, experience in Zen, try to know what is that awareness and learning practice zen meditation.

There no possible shortcuts. Zafu and zafutón in your own home day after day as I explained some time ago on this link:

Meditate at home


In a second part, Dokusho Villalba brings us to the central market square to try to make us see also how today, from that, it seems, only mercantilist sense of life, try to misrepresent the true sense dela Zen practice and how from true essence so well Dokusho Villalba explains, we can transcend these dangers of the market for our actual practice.

I remember my first approach to the way of Zen, I made it through reading the famous book by Eugen Herrigel “Zen archery” gave me my good friend Jose Luis Taboada back in 96 after my second experience intense journey through India, always for me start on a path of intimate personal transformation.

From there came more readings as “The Way of Zen” just Eugen Herrigel , “the practice of concentration” of Deshimaru, “Zen Therapy” by David Brazier, “zezen” Katsuki Sekida , and of course ! , “the way of Zen” Alan W.Watts.



With the Masters Dokusho Villalba and Denko Mesa

Follow my house full of books that are coming (perhaps this, the books, my only attachment to the material) for further disgust when moving and keep reading, but I know now, perhaps since I met Master Dokusho Villalba, who search and the only possible meeting is to be performed on the meditation cushion.

I invite you to carefully reading the book of Dokusho Villalba and I also invite you to sustain the unforgettable experience of retiraos to Zen practice in the Temple Silent Light that so exquisitely directed the author of “Zen in the market place”.

And also remember that the books are only the finger pointing at the moon, but not the moon.

“Zen philosophical expression should not be regarded as a dogmatic doctrinal body, but like a finger pointing at the moon: directs our attention to the actual experience that is beyond words and any fislosófico system” Dokusho Villalba.


Dokusho Villalba and Zen in the change of era. The market square 3


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