10 excellent yoga postures to stress relief

Regular practice of yoga offers, among many other benefits, the ability to calm our soul, body and mind through breathing, meditation and yoga postures or asanas.

To relieve stress, there are some positions that are particularly effective as we relax, relieve accumulated stress, and bring us peace of

I share with you these 10 yoga postures that will be useful anytime you want to
feel alone, whether you are a beginner or already take time in this ancient practice.

Remember that breathing and meditation are also very useful tools to relieve stress and bring peace to your life.

I recommend you start your yoga practice at home sitting quietly, taking a few slow breaths. After performing the postures I mention here, sit in a comfortable position and Devote a few minutes to meditation. Just watch the thoughts when they arrive, without judging them or feed them .

Regular practice of yoga will bring many benefits, and one of them is to
lead a quieter life without the stress with which we usually live most of our lives.

I also suggest you see this article, where I share a simple breathing exercise that will help you relieve stress.

A big hug for you, and you enjoy your practice and every moment of your life.

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