A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Day: May 17, 2018

What Is The Importance Of Patience In Life? 1

What Is The Importance Of Patience In Life?

“Today, the meaning of yoga is, above all, spiritual. Yoga exercises aimed at presence and peaceful situations and emotional encounter, and after practice I have received exercise these skills in everyday situations, “says Pawli. Proper breathing promotes health Yoga gained in huge popularity around the world has many different trends. There are species for those seeking physical […]

What are some exercises to improve your eyesight? 4

What are some exercises to improve your eyesight?

Yoga for the eyes, or how to improve eyesight in a natural way? Yoga for the eyes, or how to improve eyesight in a natural way?  Despite the fact that 90% of external information a person receives through the eyes, the eyes rest only when the person is sleeping. Eyes are in tension all day […]