Is yoga good for knee pain?
Effective Baba Ramdev Yoga Asanas For Knee Pain Think about the time that your knees were bruised and battered from playing on muddy ground? Or the time you were asked to kneel because you were naughty? Well, suffering is a joke compared to the unbearable knee pain that you now encounter. Is it not? If you get […]
Which yoga is better for asthma?
6 yoga postures to fight asthma and breathe better Asthma is a lung disease that inflames and narrows the airway and making breathing difficult.The exact cause of this disease is still unknown but it is usually caused by air pollution, respiratory infections, emotions, weather conditions, sulphites in food, and even some medications. Among the most […]
Top Reasons Why Yoga Is Good For Longevity
Yoga and youth: how the practice contributes to longevity Those who have been practicing yoga for a long time, with confidence, speak about numerous positive changes in their life. Doing yoga, you can achieve quite objective improvements in terms of health – good sleep, remove muscle clamps, and even extend years of life. It seems that […]
What are the top 5 yoga poses to help manage diabetes?
5 Yoga on control of diabetes Diabetes can hit you at any time. And when that happens, you are for a walk. Too much urination, lack of concentration, and high blood pressure are problems that accompany it, and all you want to do is control the condition. Here are 5 yoga poses to help you do it. Look. […]