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Can I really do yoga at home?

Can I really do yoga at home? 1

Yes, you can to do yoga at your home. Surely you have heard many references that confirm how beneficial yoga is in those who practice it. Do you like the idea of ​​being able to get started, but you are part of the group of people who can never do an activity like this because of lack of time? Does your daily routine keep you from home to work and do not have the space to go to a gym or a yoga studio? Do not be discouraged! Follow these tips to start yoga at home and do not miss the opportunity to receive all the favors that the practice of this ancient doctrine has for you.

A generalized recommendation is that the practice of yoga is done in a study, that you have an instructor to guide you, warn you and prevent you in the whole process. But your unavailability of time does not allow you to move to an area where yoga is taught, so you only have to choose the most logical option, to practice yoga at home.

Fortunately, there are currently a large number of mechanisms that expose, guide and describe clearly and step by step, the positions to be carried out, always taking into account the forecasts that must be kept in mind; which guarantees that the practice of yoga at home will not be a waste of time or even worse, a risk to your physical integrity.

At heart, we hope this article is helpful. If you think it can be useful to other people, do not hesitate to share it. After finishing the reading, we invite you to leave a comment with your own experience. We will raffle a yoga mat among all the readers who comment!

There is a large number of books, manuals, specialized websites, podcasts and many videos that can help you establish a yoga routine at home; As an added value, this activity promotes knowledge of yourself, since you have the responsibility of paying attention to what you are doing, self-regulating and self-calm, resulting in an excellent tool for the development of self-help. The regular practice of home yoga sessions develops persistence, perseverance and sows a deep personal growth, among other benefits .

See also  First time on yoga

When and where

Once the decision is made, you should project the disposition of the time with which you count to have your yoga sessions at home and take all the provisions to effectively do so.

There are many opinions that recommend the practice of yoga in the mornings, since once the session is over, your energy levels are high and you will be ready to face your activities with impetus and confidence. However, if you do not have the availability of that morning time, do not be discouraged, you can practice yoga at any time of the day. Many say that closing the day with a yoga session is the best to relax, refresh the mind, discard all the stress accumulated in the day and release stress.

Follow these tips to start yoga at home!
Follow these tips to start yoga at home!

Once the moment is defined, you must choose the place where you will carry out the practices; this choice is important; the ideal would be to have a private room at home for the daily practice of yoga at home; a space that you can use exclusively for your sessions and that as you move forward, positive vibrations can be developed within the environment, such as: relaxation, healing and strength. However, in case it is not possible to have a dedicated environment, you can opt for a quiet space anywhere in your home. The physical space does not need to be large or decorated, but it is recommended that it be an airy area, where you do not interrupt the passage of other people and that as far as possible, do not allow disturbances during your session.

Work plan for yoga at home

One of the first considerations that you must have is to choose the type of yoga that you want to practice, since there are a variety of styles, branches and tendencies within this discipline; each and every one with a different purpose and scope. Keep in mind, too, that there are some styles that need certain environmental conditions; For example, Hot Yoga requires an environment where temperature and humidity are controlled and it is probably very difficult to adapt these conditions at home. On the other hand, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, can be the most recommended variants for beginners and to adapt them to the home.

Now is the time to define the routines that you will practice. Yoga offers an extensive list of postures (asanas) some easy and others a little more demanding. There are many predesigned routines, within the yoga variant that you have chosen to practice and that you can also achieve with ease; some are aimed at controlling breathing, encouraging meditation and facilitating the flow of energy; Other routines are more vigorous and are intended to develop strength, elasticity and physical power.

To create a complete routine, be aware of incorporating movements in all directions : forward inclinations, backwards, from both sides, turns, standing, back, seated, etc. It is advisable to look for the balance where you feel comfortable and that yoga sessions at home are comfortable and pleasant. With daily practice, your body will require you to incorporate more rigorous changes to the routines, increasing the level of demand; No change should be forced or imposed, since progress must be made according to your evolution.

Before starting yoga at home

Practicing yoga is an activity that should not be done while your digestive system works. The recommendation is to have a light meal at least 2 hours before the session. The practice of yoga asanas demands many movements that involve joints, bones, muscles, tendons and tissues; digestion compromises the fluid practice of these movements and is very likely to cause nausea or desire to vomit if the digestive system is fully operational, something you should avoid.

Another point to consider is the costumes; For the practice of yoga it is recommended to wear comfortable and breathable clothing . It is often suggested to wear tight, but not tight, shirts that favor the execution of some postures, especially those that imply a forward inclination, where loose flannels tend to slip. Any exercise pants or shorts that have elasticity, can be used without any inconvenience. Regarding footwear, the general recommendation is not to use any, yoga is usually done with bare feet; however, if you want to wear some type of shoe, it is suggested to wear lightweight, athletic shoes.

Additionally, you must have the right equipment; fortunately, practicing yoga requires very little; We recommend a mat or yoga mat , whose main purpose is to provide you with a surface that prevents unexpected slips caused by sweating in the hands and feet. Also, it serves as a buffer and delimits your space; In the market you will find a lot of variety in styles, colors, sizes and prices. Other implements that you could use are blocks, straps and blankets, but they are absolutely optional.

We leave you some asanas to inspire you!
We leave you some asanas to inspire you!

Prevent injuries

Do not forget that you are at home and it is your responsibility to have a safe environment free of obstacles , such as furniture, children’s toys or any other element that could compromise your physical integrity while practicing yoga. Another very relevant indication, to reduce the possibility of injuries occurring during your yoga practice, is to emphasize the importance of the warm-up prior to the sessions . This is an absolute necessity, otherwise the tension of the muscles may be at risk, leading to the presence of cramps or muscle injuries such as tears. Always make sure you condition your body, doing some stretching and twisting that puts you in tune and ready to exercise.

Start calmly

Remember that the essence of yoga is the inner union of the person and the universal consciousness through the integration of the body, mind and spirit, so it is required to calmly take the process; never demand too much during practice, it is not the idea. Remember also that this activity is not a competition, so before launching to perform a demanding pose, you must first master the simplest positions and thus gradually progress.

Respect your body

One of the main premises of yoga is: “love your body and respect its limits” ; To make changes in postures in a violent way or to force yourself beyond what your body can give is a disrespect of your own. This way of exercising does not generate better results, it only makes the routine more difficult and painful.


This is going to depend on how you feel. If you are tired or pressured by time, try to choose a short routine for restorative purposes ( pruba Restorative Yoga !). If you feel energetic, opt for a more vigorous routine. Standing postures are recommended when looking for grounding and stability; while if what you require is power and energy, it is suggested that you make postures that incorporate backward bending . This is where you will check the importance of having designed a previous work plan and having established an intention, since you will make an efficient use of your time, regardless of the duration of the session.


Yoga is only one way; The practice of postures is the conditioning of the body to procure meditation. During your yoga practice at home, always remember to take time to meditate and relax your mind and body. There are many forms of meditation ; However, one of the most recommended is to sit with a straight column, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Remember that the purpose of yoga is to achieve the union of body, mind and spirit and it is precisely through meditation that the ultimate goal of this millenarian doctrine is achieved.

The most important thing: ENJOY

Do not limit yourself to home

Practicing yoga is not limited to performing certain postures, that is only a part; This is a doctrine that impacts your way of life. To assume an ethically correct behavior, to seek healthy habits or just to control your breathing, is to practice yoga. In this way yoga accompanies you at all times and places, so your practice is not limited to your sessions at home.


It is very important that you be regular with your yoga practice at home and strive to make it a part of your daily routine so that it becomes a habit; In this way you will be able to obtain the numerous benefits that it offers you. A statement that says: “It is more productive to have twenty minutes of daily yoga practice than two hours of practice from time to time” . Although the vortex of life makes you lose regularity, strive to resume it and do not give up for having lost a few days of practice, in yoga it is never too late to start over.


Yoga allows you to discover your bodily abilities and your inner world, reasons more than enough to rejoice. When you do yoga, you give yourself and give the best you have, without remorse, or sorrow.
Since you decided to practice yoga at home, do it with the greatest of smiles and make each movement be accompanied by an expression of joy, this is the best recommendation we can offer you; and if you fell or are trying to make a difficult position to achieve

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