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Facial chiromassage

Facial chiromassage 3

Hiromassazh – is a special massage technique based on different methods of classical and Eastern massage systems. It also includes elements chiropractic and kinesiology. This successful combination ensured the success of this type of massage. In no hiromassage some classical scheme. It uses a variety of techniques to ensure a positive effect.

Scope hiromassage

Hiromassazh person is used to relieve swelling, solving the problem of rosacea, facial contour modeling, his suspenders, improve the complexion.
Also noticeable to the naked eye effects (rejuvenation, lifting, leveling color, improved mood) hiromassazh affect the underlying processes in the muscle and the skin, causing the tissue regeneration at all levels of the dermis.

Therapeutic effects hiromassage 

Muscle relaxation (a powerful relaxing effect) and withdrawal of the next season of fatigue on the face

Reduction of wrinkles and smoothing nasolabial folds

Improvement of the contours of the face and neck

Cleansing the skin is torn away from the horny scales of the epidermis

Cleansing the skin pores

Improvement of the sweat and sebaceous glands

Activation of the skin and lymph circulation

Strengthening of blood supply to the skin and improving its power

Erasing muscle memory and aging prevention


Before the procedure, it is necessary to pay attention to some contraindications for hiromassage.
These include acute infectious and allergic processes in the skin, impaired integrity of the skin (acne and other skin diseases); any acute condition of the body, fever, exacerbation of chronic diseases, increased fragility of the skin surface vessels, multiple nevi (moles) and papillomas.

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face hiromassazh


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