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Pranayama for pregnant women

Pranayama for pregnant women 3

Breathe properly during pregnancy is vital and mother, and child. Breathing exercises help pregnant women get rid of unnecessary anxiety, learn to relax and calm down, improve placental circulation, as well as the internal organs and body systems.

Breathing exercises are simple and fairly well-known.
Enough to give him 10 minutes a day. The main thing – to focus entirely on technique and performance practice regularly.

thoracic breathing

Put your hands on the edges.
Inhale through the nose. Feel the chest gradually expanded in all directions, the diaphragm remains in place. When the chest is filled with air, exhale through the mouth or nose.

diaphragmatic breathing

By means of the diaphragm and abdominal wall during inhalation and exhalation is performed massage internal organs, improving the blood supply of the baby.
Put one hand on your stomach and the other on his chest, in order to better control this type of breathing. Inhale through the nose. Doing breath for 2-3 seconds, the diaphragm gently pushed back and down at the same time there is a protrusion of the abdomen. The larger the aperture falls, the more bulging belly. Exhale through the mouth or nose (3-5 seconds). After exhalation makes it natural to pause, no more than 1 second.

Start with 1-2 cycles of care.
If you can see a little dizzy, stop exercising, but do not worry, it’s safe.

Rhythmic breathing four-stage

The first phase (4-6 seconds).
We take a deep breath through your nose.

The second phase (2-3 seconds).
Hold your breath.

See also  Healing Properties Of Yoga

The third phase (4-6 seconds).
Exhale deeply through the mouth.

The fourth phase (2-3 seconds).
Hold your breath.

Breathe no more than 2-3 minutes.

Breathing like a dog

We get up on all fours and breathe often as dog tongue hanging out.
Inhale and exhale through the mouth. Thus the air is supplied to the baby faster, the lungs are not completely filled with air, the diaphragm is no pressure on the uterus, relaxation effect is provided – we digress. Breathe during fights in the first stage of labor.

internal cleansing complex

This complex is developed through practice
Solar breath ” and ” Lunar breathing .” He helps calm overexcited mind.

Getting to this practice for the first time, perform sufficient no more than ten cycles.

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