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Preparing for Padmasana

Preparing for Padmasana 3

Padmasana – one of the basic, important and useful Yoga asanas . However, for most people it is a difficult, but those who can easily enter into it, often not in it for a long time to be in a relaxed state. But this posture is always recommended as one of the comfortable postures for meditation. This is no accident. The fact that such a posture raises the energy of Muladhara Chakra to the Sahasrara Chakra . If a practitioner is uncomfortable, his back bent, then the energy can not move freely through the spine. The practice of Padmasana requires effort and patience. Let’s try to figure out what to do asanas recommended to prepare for Padmasana (lotus position).

The main problem for most people – is to protect the knees during the
Padmasana and its variations. To correctly perform Padmasana required flexibility in the hip joints. When stiff, hips, knees, tense and experiencing a lot of pressure. Hip joints, in contrast to the knee, have a wide range of motion. Therefore, in preparation for the Padmasana it is very important to prepare the hips to the knees do not suffer.

It is recommended to start with a different variations of
postures while standing , which is actively working the hip joints. These postures are Utthita Trikonasana , Utthita Parshvakonasana , Virabhadrasana II of , as well as seating and lying positions, in which the activity disclosed thigh: Jana Sirshasana , Gomukhasana , Ardha Matsiendrasana . In addition to warm up the knees, it is recommended to perform Marichiasanu .

When you start practicing
Padmasana is very important that you do not abuse them. Practice should not bring harm. If there is pain in the knees, do not ignore it. Perhaps your hip joints are not fully open. Padmasana

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requires time and patience.

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