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Tips for Pranayama for Beginners

Tips for Pranayama for Beginners 3

Vital functions of our body is accompanied by an endless series of breaths. We make them unconsciously, automatically, day and night, during wakefulness and sleep. This process typically does not require us any attention or any special effort. But, starting to learn breathing exercises – pranayama , we are working not only with the body, but with the mind. If you are just starting to learn breathing techniques, you will be interested to get acquainted with the asanas and supplies that can help you during  Pranayama .

  • lying position

Basic techniques of Pranayama is best studied while lying on the floor, because you will not be distracted by the preservation of stability in the body, like sitting in the poses.
You can use Bolster to better disclose your chest. Bolster put on the blanket, and use it as a cushion (ie, put it under his head). Lie on the Bolster and align the body so that the tailbone is in line with the head, and his back was straight /

  • sitting posture

Best asanas for Pranayamy are simple sessile meditation poses –
Virasana , Siddhasana or half posture Lotus using Jalandhara Bandhas or neck lock. To perform Jalandhar bandha, raise the top of the breastbone to the chin, move the jaw to the ear, and slowly lower your chin on the sternum.

  • Responsiveness

In pranayama you try to distribute your breathing evenly across your lungs – top and bottom, left and right, front and rear.
At the beginning of practice, you may not be able to feel the disclosure of all parts of the lungs. Soft smooth touch

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partner to help you enhance sensation in the lungs, and to understand how to breathe evenly and deeply.

  • auxiliary materials

You can use the auxiliary materials, which will help you understand where your lungs are not fully open.
Tightened belts – one on the chest near the collarbone, and another floating around the edges – will show you which part of the light works worse (ie, less expanded). The contact between the back and Bosteri tell you what part of the lungs you breathe more: the top or bottom.

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