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What (if anything) makes Transcendental Meditation more effective than alternative meditation technique?

What (if anything) makes Transcendental Meditation more effective than alternative meditation technique? 1

What is transcendental meditation: technique, training

So, and most other meditative practices, transcendental meditation was born in India. In a country that has become known to the whole world not only thanks to a unique culture, but also due to a large number of different exercises. After all, the goal of the Vedic tradition of India is enlightenment, which has been passed from generation to generation for thousands of years. Each teacher, passing knowledge of his ancestors, led the search for personal enlightenment.

One such practice is transcendental meditation – which has won the hearts of millions. Knowledge, which entered the practice relatively recently, somewhere 50 years ago, was introduced by Maharishi. He represents the Vedic tradition. The technique of transcendental meditation helps a person to comprehend the experience and knowledge of higher states of consciousness. This practice is important and necessary for the modern world, especially now, when people are at extreme, critical points of their development.

transcendental meditation alone: ​​learning


 The concept of transcendental meditation 

Transcendental meditation (translated from Latin means “beyond thought”) is a natural, simple technique with the use of mantras. Training in this technique is easy, and the effect is manifested after the first classes. Practice is practiced for fifteen to twenty minutes about two times a day in a comfortable sitting position, closing your eyes.

Transcendental meditation is the flow of polar thinking. Thought, arising, turns into a sharper form. It ultimately affects what we say and do. This is the outer side of consciousness. Transcendental meditation is the opposite process. Through this practice, the mind is directed inward to the subtlest stages of thinking and as a result reaches the source of thought. It is carried to the point of full awakening, which is the foundation of consciousness.

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Transcendental meditation is a technique that must be practiced systematically to focus oneself inside to feel and experience deeper tiers, serene levels of one’s personal consciousness, until the mind reaches full rest in the simplest state of human consciousness.

What is TM technique

The practice of transcendental meditation is quite simple. It is necessary to sit comfortably on a chair and proceed to utter the mantra. In special occupations a person is given his own mantra, uttering which inwardly he concentrates unconsciously on the sound. Constant and continuous pronunciation wears out certain sections of the brain, which entails general inhibition. As a result, practice leads to the fact that the body comes to a relaxed state, slows down breathing, consciousness is dissipated and the mind is immersed in the primary consciousness.

Thoughts leave, and the body seems to be plunged into a dream, however, it is not worth falling asleep. When this state is reached, it is necessary to stop the chanting of the mantra, once again begin to overcome thoughts, the process of pronunciation of sounds must be renewed. Being in the primary state, a person receives energy from the Cosmic Consciousness, due to which he is cleansed of “mental rubbish”.

It is not difficult to learn how to meditate, this technique does not require a special costume or equipment. Everyone can participate in it regardless of physical condition. You can practice this technique yourself at home and not only. Acquiring experience, meditators learn to “disconnect” all external factors and can practice even in a noisy place.

The effect of TM

Speaking about transcendental meditation, it is necessary to indicate that regular classes contribute to:

  • Relaxation of the physiology and nervous system of a person, deep relaxation. Within 20 minutes of meditation, the brain rests also, as with a 8-10 hour sleep.
  • Effective resistance to stress, helps to get out of depression and stress.
  • Strengthening the nervous system, developing resistance to new stressful situations.
  • Quick recovery of physical strength, increase of vital energy.
  • Improving the psychoemotional state.
  • Normalization of blood pressure (increased and decreased).
  • Increased resistance to various diseases, health promotion.
  • Eliminating insomnia and other sleep disorders, improving natural biorhythms.
  • Disclosure of creative abilities.
  • Development of mental abilities and the ability to make the right decision in a critical situation.
  • Refusal from bad habits (smoking, drugs, alcohol).
  • Increased personal effectiveness, self-esteem.
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Teaching technics TM

You need to learn this practice all the time. Accurate observance of the stages of training ensures the greatest effectiveness from meditation. The teaching of transcendental meditation consists of seven steps. The usual standard of the course includes two lectures, telling about the principle of the influence of transcendental meditation and its useful results. A short individual interview, a 1-1.5 hour lesson for individual development. The following days, classes lasting approximately 90 minutes are held in which the training itself consists. After this, you can begin to engage in this technique yourself at home. All that is needed for this is 15-20 minutes of practice in the morning and evening.

It is recommended to check the experience from time to time so that the program always gives the best results. Although the technique of transcendental meditation is only mastered for a few days, those who wish can attend group meetings and in-depth lectures. Having mastered once transcendental meditation a person can use it throughout his life.

 Specificity of mantra selection and its meaning

It is officially said that for each person the mantra is selected individually, as it allows you to relax and relax as much as possible (you can still use meditation to relax ). The Maharishi state that the mantras used in transcendental meditation are directed mainly at ordinary people and can not be used for occult, mystical purposes.

By tradition, no one can call his personal mantra, this condition is due to the division of the worlds into internal and external. The mantras themselves are not designed specifically for transcendental meditation, they are taken from Sanskrit sources used by many Indians. The selection of mantras is necessary according to the list, taking into account the age of the person at the moment when he is turning to transcendental meditation. When one learns his mantra, a person adapts to it for a certain period. Controlled by the instructor, he pronounces these sounds aloud, then all is quieter until it begins to sound only in the mind. After which he goes to practice.

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Since transcendental meditation belongs to the traditions of yoga, it has a number of contraindications for self-fulfillment of classes:

  • psychoclinic diagnoses;
  • fear of performing transcendental meditation, as well as giving mantras meaning;
  • extreme states of consciousness;
  • low level of intelligence: transcendental meditation is a practice that is performed independently and the meditator must know where it is necessary to direct efforts and have the skill of reflection. If a person is convinced of his rightness and always goes ahead without taking into account the growth of problems in his life, in the near future he will leave the canonical execution of technology and come to a sedentary hallucination, which, with deep relaxation, leads to the manifestation of symptoms of schizophrenia.

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