A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Yoga with headache

Headache has become an urgent problem for the urban dweller.
The reason for this and bad environment, and high noise levels, and constant stress at work, in public transport and even in the family. Unfortunately, we have forgotten how to relax. We can not find time for myself to just stay in silence.
Yoga we need it for our body and mind remembered what it means to be in a state of rest.

Regular practice of yoga will help to relax your body and let go of unwanted thoughts.
In addition, yoga asanas help to relieve muscle clips that prevent the normal circulation of the brain. However, starting to practice yoga, do not expect quick results. Perhaps in the beginning you worsen the headache. But regular exercise will help get rid of this disease for a long time.

In this article I would like to cite a few asanas to help you without drugs relieve the headache.

Adho Mukha Shvanasana with reliance

Stand in the position of a dog down and put the top of the forehead (near the hairline) on a support (brick or Bolster).
Point the skin of the forehead to the side of the chin. Let the back of the neck is long, the throat – soft and breath – free. No need to head to stand on a pedestal. Hold the weight of the body on the feet and hands. Stay in the asana for two or three minutes, then lowered to Balasanov – Child pose.

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Balasan to Bolster

Lie down on the Bolster.
Hands grasp it with both sides. The head is useful to wrap a bandage that will create a comfortable and dimming light pressure on the eyes to relax.

See also  Sapiential philosophy Self-knowledge for change and transformation.

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Setu Bandha Sarvangasana with Bosteri

Put Bolster under the back.
The shoulders should touch the floor, arms taken aside at an angle 45®. Foot better tie strap, so as not to fall apart in the hand. If you feel discomfort in your lower back, you can put Bolster or blocks under the legs. The legs should be slight tension and your head, shoulders and torso – relaxed. Remain in this position for 5-10 minutes.

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Viparita Qarani with reliance

Legs should throw on the wall and put under the pelvis Bolster or more blankets.
The lower part of the buttocks and the back surface of the feet should touch the wall. People with stiff muscles at the back of the legs are a bit move away from the wall. On the face is better to put a bag on the eyes. Relax. Remain in this position for 10 minutes.

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Savasana with a bag for the eyes

Lie in Shavasana.
Under knees Bolster place to relax the lower back. On the face – a bag for the eyes.

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