A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Video lesson: Pranayama with Olga Bulanova

In previous articles, you can get acquainted with pranayama different levels:
primary , basic and advanced . In this publication to your attention a video tutorial on Pranayama, or yogic breathing exercises. The basis of the video describes the basic Pranayama: Variations Kapalabhati , Bhastrika, full yogic breath, Surya Bhedana Pranayama , Chandra Pranayama Bhedana, Nadi Sodhana, ujjayi, Sita , Sitkari , Bhramara. Also shown wise and Banham used when performing Pranayamy. In addition, it explains how to Angisara Dhauti and Nauli Kriya.

Video tutorial: Pranayama and yoga breathing exercises

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