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Kriya yoga

Founder: Lahiri Mahasaya

Kriya Yoga – Yoga is the direction, based on the techniques of pranayama and opening of chakras. It is believed that the yogi, the following method Kriya -yogi, gradually freed from karma. Classes on Kriya Yoga, conducted in yoga centers include:

  • preparatory exercises to saturate the body with energy,
  • mudras (gestures and posture, strengthening certain energotoki in the body)
  • Pranayama (breathing exercises)
  • meditation.

Kriya Yoga – this is a simple psychophysiological method by which human blood is exempt from carbon dioxide and enriched with oxygen. Atoms of an excess amount of oxygen are converted into life current that rejuvenates the brain and spinal centers. Preliminary Kriya Yoga techniques purify the body and mind, give physical and mental health, in preparation for the practice of Kriya – union with the Divine.

Who can practice Kriya Yoga : This style fits all, children and adults, men and women. It is very easy, at first glance, the art, but very deep on Effects.

Video. Kriya Yoga

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