About vegetarianism. Writings of Lev Tolstoy in defense of life

About vegetarianism.  Lev Toslstoi writings in defense of vegetarianism

Ideas about vegetarianism wrote the author of “War and Peace”. An interesting book and so far little known.

“The first step” and other writings SoBe vegetarianism. Leo Tolstoy Editorial Kairos


Speaking about vegetarianism , honestly I never imagined that when he read “War and Peace” , its author Leo Tolstoy, I was going to teach some interesting ideas about vegetarianism and the fight against animal abuse. Now comes the publication of Kairos in which under the title “the first step” Tolstoy teaches us this side of him where he came after a spiritual crisis and which came to have confrontations difference in thought with his wife.

The Kairos publishing house has also given us the pleasure of reading an interesting book whose direct title is “In Defense of Animals” and we encourage you to supplement with reading this small volume of Tolstoi.



His courage in writing about vegetarianism, you have to frame it in a complicated period of Russian history in which those ideas were not well accepted.

For both physical and mental health, love of life and the animal world and after reading “The Sermon on the Mount” and discover the meaning of “thou shalt not kill”, Tolstoy begins his vegetarianism to 1883.

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This “first step” as noted by Joaquin Fernandez Valdes Roig-Gironella in the preface, “is the main work of Tolstoy on vegetarianism. Its publication had a great impact in Russia, where it was even described as “the Bilblia the vegetarian movement”.

“The first step” on vegetarianism is a brief, concise and enlightening about vegetarian life of one of the most important authors of the universal literature text.

In addition to text that names the volume, in the book you’ll find other writings Toslstoi on vegetariarnismo as the story “The Wolf”, “The sin of eating meat” or text “Reforming food” written by the son of Tolstoi Lev

Great defense of life and the animal world.


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