Relaxation techniques for children. Mindfulness for the little ones

Relaxation techniques for children.  Mindfulness for smaller

When we talk about relaxation techniques for children, we are talking about meditation for children, one of the basic manuals for parents is no doubt this book Ramiro Calle.

“Meditation for Children”. Ramiro Calle. Editorial Kairos.

With simplicity, but the depth of which always does good work the author, Ramiro Calle , master of yoga and meditation and a pioneer in the dissemination of these practices throughout the Spanish – speaking world, let us in “meditation children “ what really is relaxation techniques for children, an excellent workbook for children approach the practice of meditation.

Ramiro Calle says that “attention is a muscle that can develop” and that obviously is done with practice.

Divided into 12 chapters and two appendices (table postures and how to approach children), this short (136 pages) but profound and useful book, you’ll handholding for a whole tour of approaching the many relaxation techniques children who are seen as meditation practices.

We live a hectic and stress-filled world in which children, from early childhood and unfortunately, actively participate in this madness that has long been building.

It is the task of parents and educators, putting the seeds of change in attitude towards the smallest and help on the way to go about building a living space more livable and that is precisely what shows Ramiro Street in this good compendium of relaxation techniques for children.

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It is obvious that although the book should be entitled “Meditation for Children” , there is a lot of mindfulness practices in awareness as contact with the body or obviously everything related to breathing exercises.

As the author of the question it is that “the child, going gradually and progressively attention training through meditative exercises, learn the way to be more careful in what you do and live”

With these relaxation techniques for children who, ultimately, are achieved through the practice of meditation, these new generations will have the strength that involves know each other better and better regulated clarifying your mind and offering a place of serenity that will be good for your future and that of all living things that are going to surround.

This century must be the century of spirituality because it is the only way of hope for the strengthening of a world that walks plunged into chaos and distrust.

Which through this magnificent and simple manual, parents and guardians can show a new way of relaxation techniques for children, is an open window of hope to start building from an early age, a kinder world these harmful emotional states such as anxiety, fear, stress, loneliness, depression … can be managed in the best way possible for the benefit of happiness and serenity.

A small but great manual relaxation techniques for children accomplished through meditation for children. Worth it

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