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Brahmachari yoga: Soukshma-vjyayma and Stucha-vjayama

Founder: Maharishi Kartikeya and his successor Dhirendra Brahmachari

The founder of the Yoga Brahmachari considered Maharishi Kartikeya, but this style of yoga gained fame thanks to his student Dhirendra Brahmachari.
Today, the tradition Brahmachari keeps his successor – Bal Mukund Singh. Another well-known disciple Brahmachari – Swiss Reinhard Gamelthaller teaches approximately to the tradition, but calls his style ”
Kundalini -yogoy”.

The basic meaning of the word vyayama (Skt.
Vyayama ) – this exercise. Vyayama divided into two groups: sukshma (Skt sukshma – thin.) And sthula (sthula – dense, rough), i.e. “Exercises a subtle effect,” operating in one area of the body or at several nearby, and “exercise a powerful influence” that affect the entire body. If necessary vyayama may be a warm-up to the practice of asanas or other training, and can be self-practice for 1.5-2 hours, a fully worked through the whole body.

The practice of yoga Brahmachari much attention is paid to the preparation of the body work in asanas – cleaning procedures – “Shatkarmas” and two kinds of dynamic exercises:

  • Yoga -Sukshma-vyayama – a sequence of powerful exercises, has a very strong impact directly on the energy body, as well as all sectors of the energy structure, energy centers, glands, organs and all organic body practicing yoga.

  • Yoga Sthula-vyayama – sequence powerful exercise walking as a complement to a sequence Yoga Sukshma-vyayama, and has a more potent effect directly on the organic body.

School system Brahmachari asanas practiced mainly static and contains some unusual exercises that are not in other methods.
Well put equipment backbends. Many asanas on the concentration, the activation of the internal organs of the chest and disclosure.

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Brahmachari yoga aims to clear energy channels – Nadi . This exposure to different energy centers and points in the body, such as chakras, and Marma. Due to the purification of the energy channels and centers cosmic PranaShakti enters the human body, filling it with life force – prana, and changes his life for the better.

Who can practice yoga Brahmachari : the practice – without age, sex and other restrictions. It contains a sequence for elderly people who are different softness and subtlety, and intensive practice for the physically strong and trained students.

read literature:

  • Brahmachari D. “Yoga sukshma vyayama”


Sukshma vinyayama

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