How can I improve sleep quality with yoga, meditation or mudras?
After an exhausting day you finally fall into bed and … Your mind stays there, fully awake, wandering through the most diverse thoughts. Did you identify yourself? Well, this mental mess is quite common thanks to the hectic, stressful and full of compromise life we carry, especially in big cities. If you suffer from insomnia or […]
What are the therapeutic benefits of yoga?
It is very common to hear someone comparing the practice of yoga with any other physical activity such as bodybuilding, stretching, etc. It turns out that, as much has already been said on the blog, psychoactive postures or asanas are just one of the eight pillars of classic yoga and doing them goes well beyond physical conditioning. The […]
What yoga exercises can girls do for good health?
THE BENEFITS OF YOGA FOR WOMEN Yoga is both a trend and a fashion, and is becoming a true lifestyle. We all know that yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and today this fitness program is causing a real tidal wave that is not about to subside. Yoga was originally developed in […]
What are the benefits of meditation?
Benefits of meditation Mindfulness meditation is not only a fashion: many of its benefits are scientifically proven. The best way to learn something is to reading book through the book we learn many information. So, the lot of books are there to guide How to do meditation. To buy a one of the best book […]
What benefits have you gotten from meditation?
What is guided meditation and what are its benefits? Before you start a meditation session, have you thought about the best ways to try? Millions of people across the world station meditate in their quest for relief from stress, sore lives and negativity. Meditation provides lasting and effective relief from other means to combat these problems. The […]
What are benefits of Sudarshan Kriya?
How to do Sudarshan Kriya and what are the benefits? Looking for a solution to deal with stress? Do you want to feel better, look better, and live better? Would you believe me if I told you that the solution to all this is breathing well? Yes, you read correctly. It is as simple as that if you do […]
What are the health benefits of using the easy pose while doing yoga?
Yoga, an activity that has many benefits for the body Yoga is more than just physical activity. In the Indian tradition, it is a real way of life comprising several stages all leading to physical and mental well-being. We understand better why it is so beneficial. In India, yoga is a philosophical way of life that includes […]
Which are the best yoga asanas for increasing height?
Simple Yoga Rings to Increase Your Height Tall people are easily recognizable. What’s more, our society sees longer bodies as more attractive. Apart from genetics, nutrition and exercise play an important role in determining their neck. If puberty disappoints you with a moderate growth moment, do not worry. Even in adulthood there is a way to boost your […]
What is the yoga mudra for proper digestion?
A Hand Mudra for Digestion Like acupuncture and acupressure, mudras (energetic seals or gestures) are said to influence the flow of energy through the body. Pushan mudra (the gesture of digestion) is a hand mudra used to activate prana vayu (the energy of receptivity), samana vayu (the energy of digestion and assimilation), and apana vayu (the energy of elimination). Unlike many other hasta (hand) mudras in […]
What are the advantages and disadvantages of meditation?
Advantages and Disadvantages of Meditation Meditation with cure Meditation In addition to practicing the mind to be peaceful. It is also useful to help relieve some diseases or conditions. The disease, which collapsed with stress , which are currently researching the benefits of meditating on the rise, but on the other hand, it has some researchers who have yet […]