Do not know where to start?

Very good heart!

If you reached this page, then it must be the first visit Yoga is more. So welcome !, and thank you very much for being here. It is a great pleasure to be of help, guide on this journey through yoga to a happier, healthier life and a definite purpose.

On this page I want to show the essential items that you must read you, that will be of much help.

Yoga for Beginners

If you want to start doing yoga and do not know where to start, do not stop reading these articles:

  • Yoga for Beginners: Do not try to practice yoga until you understand these 3 things
  • 5 Secrets of Yoga for Beginners – Become a yogi heart
  • Yoga for Beginners: First Class
  • Yoga for Beginners: 5 common mistakes new students of yoga
  • Yoga exercises for beginners. How can it be a class?
  • The attitude in your practice of yoga on 3 fundamental keys
  • 7 FAQ yoga for beginners

Yoga at home

  • Yoga for Beginners: Yoga at Home, What do I need?
  • How to structure your yoga session at home?
  • 7 Tips for your yoga practice at home
  • Before starting your yoga practice at home …


  • It costs to put the mind blank
  • What is meditation, and other very interesting answers about meditation
  • One way to understand meditation
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Yoga for Beginners sequences for practicing yoga at home

If you want to take action, and you need a video guide to start your physical practice, here you have these items.

  • Yoga at Home: Videos for you
  • Sequence Yoga: Sun Salutation
  • Yoga sequence: Salute to the Moon
  • Video Hindu yoga teacher Yogi Hari
  • Excellent for beginners yoga video. 45 minutes of practice.
  • Sequence yoga exercises you can do every day
  • Online Yoga classes, an opportunity to practice yoga at home
  • Yoga poses to energize your body in 10 minutes

Yoga poses

And if you’re looking for is how to make a specific posture, step by step, benefits and contraindications, here you have this link will take you to the list of all positions that I posted on the blog.

  • Category with yoga postures

Book free yoga and weekly email

ebook-with-shade-207x300If the physical, mental and spiritual well – being is your way, I advise you also you download my free book Yoga: direct path to your inner happiness. You can do it from this link or at the end of this article.

Besides the book, you will receive a weekly email me where I’ll tell you about yoga techniques to relieve stress that work, I will tell you my experience with the practice of yoga on and off the mat, and give you tips for living a life happier and healthier, full of intent, and meaning.

Every day I’m with you on Facebook

Before closing, I invite you to walk through the Facebook page, because every day I update with interesting, useful and will also help your personal growth and general welfare speaking before you details.

See also  Will yoga improve eyesight?

Thank you for visiting. I wish to repeat, because it will mean that I have helped, and that is my purpose with this blog.


