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How can you master the scorpion pose in yoga?

How can you master the scorpion pose in yoga? 1

How to Make Vrschikasana-Scorpion Yoga Pose


Scorpion pose (Vrschikasana) is an advanced pose that you can not master until you have reached sufficient basic strength and mastered basic yoga poses. The pose mimics the position of a scorpion ready to hit. Some have called Scorpion the toughest yoga pose. It can take extra preparation and skills to develop the muscle, flexibility and skills needed to accomplish this pose. It is usually reserved until the end of an asana practice.

  • Type of pose : Inversion, backbend
  • Benefits : The Scorpion posture will strengthen your shoulders, arms, heart and back. It improves the flexibility of your spine and improves your balance.
  • Precautions : This is not a beginner’s pose, and even experienced practitioners should be careful with this intense backbend. Work with observers when you try this pose. Do not try this pose if you have hip or back problems.

Instructions for Scorpion Pose

  1. Start by balancing in the forearm stand in the center of the room.
  2. Bend your knees and lift your head.
  3. In the forearm stand, the hips are about on your shoulders. In order for your body to move into the classic C-shaped shape of a scorpion, your hips must move away from your head. This occurs naturally when you begin to bend your spine into an extended position.
  4. As you deepen your backbend, your knees may separate, but keep your toes in contact.
  5. Keep moving your toes towards the crown on your head.
  1. To go out, lower one leg at a time on the floor.
  2. You may want to perform the pose of the child to counter the intense backbend of the scorpion pose.
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Preparing to pose Scorpion

Before attempting the scorpion pose, you will want to build your shoulder strength. Dolphin pose push-ups are a good exercise to build the strength of your shoulder.

Perform sets of 10.

You will also need good back flexibility before attempting a scorpion pose. The camel pose will help develop this flexibility, with the spine curved in the same way as in the scorpion pose, but not reversed.

You will want to be accomplished performing a Pear Pose before attempting scorpion pose.

Beginning tips

Real beginners should not try this advanced stance. You should work with a yoga instructor to guide you.

  1. If you’re comfortable doing a forearm on the wall, you can start working on the scorpion on the wall.
  2. Before getting up, move your hands about two feet from the wall.
  3. Enter the forearms with your feet on the wall. Because your hands are further away from the wall, placing your feet on the wall will create a backbend position in your spine.
  4. Walk your feet along the wall towards your head to intensify your spinal extension. Stop when you need it.

Advanced tip

In full pose, the soles of your feet rest on the crown of your head. This requires a very deep backbend, so working on poses like urdhva dhanurasana will help you prepare.

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