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How is yoga helpful for back pain?

How is yoga helpful for back pain? 3

Six yoga postures to fight back pain

Back pain is considered the evil of the century. To overcome some pain, yoga can be a good remedy. Here are some yoga postures to fight back pain.

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How is yoga helpful for back pain? 4

Between the stress , the annoyances stored, the hours spent sitting at your desk and the repressed fatigue, the back pain arrives very often without warning as a result of a simple movement of the daily newspaper. Pain is a non-negligible information that sends our body, it is important to take it into account. It can also be a posture problem .

It is therefore essential to listen to your body, to rest, to move away from sources of stress that you can identify and that may be the cause of this blockage. A gentle yoga practice can help you relieve your back pain and relieve tension.

Here are 6 yoga postures to relieve your back.

All sports - Ilosport - Yoga can do good for your back. (Shutterstock / CD)

“Viparita Karani”, half-candle on the wall

Lying on the carpet, near the sofa or wall, move your buttocks up to the couch or wall and slide your legs up vertically along the wall. The softer solution is to bend them at right angles to the sofa.

Then close your eyes and meditate for two to five minutes, depending on your possibilities and comfort, a slight smile fixed on your mouth. Slowly leave this posture, smoothly, again sliding your legs.

“Balasana”, Child’s posture

Sitting on the heels, knees apart and big toes in contact. Gently plunge forward with closed eyelids and rest your forehead on the ground. The arms come to rest on the ground, on both sides of the body, allowing the elbows to bend naturally. Do a dozen deep breaths, eyes closed.

The child's posture is ideal for releasing pressure. (Shutterstock / CD)

“Pavanamuktâsana”, fetal posture

Another posture without contraindication, which also promotes a massage very effective on the solar plexus, seat of anxiety. Lying on your back, flat on your back, bend your right leg, grabbing your knee and gently pulling towards you. Plate the lumbar on the floor, breathing gently and thinking of relaxing the muscles of the left leg, keeping the head on the ground.

Rest your leg gently on the ground. Do the same with your left leg, then rest gently.

Finally embrace both knees with the forearms. The knees are tight so that the thighs rest on the abdomen. The chin is positioned between the kneecaps. Breathe three to five times if you can, then return to the ground smoothly.

Posture of “cat / cow”

Put on all fours, knees under hips and wrists under shoulders, spaced from the width of the pelvis and shoulders. Slowly, round your back (like the big round back of the cat when it’s scared) by tucking in the belly, exhaling slowly and naturally returning the head. Hold the posture for a few seconds.

When the need arises, inhale gently while taking out the head, arching (like the hollow back of the cow) the back without pain, and releasing the belly. Pursuit these two movements smoothly, five to ten times, in a regular and gentle dance, eyes always closed.

Alternating the position of the cat and the cow allows to stretch the back. (Shutterstock / CD)
Alternating the position of the cat and the cow allows to stretch the back.

“Ananda Balasana”, happy baby’s posture

Always lie on your back, bring your knees to the chest and catch (if you can, without pain and without forcing) your feet. Then drop your knees towards the armpits and keep your tailbone soft towards the ground.

Stay in this posture three to five full breaths if you can. You can complete the posture, if you feel comfortable, by massaging your lumbar on the ground from right to left, like “buffer blotter”, for a few seconds.

Last posture, “Shavâsana”, or the posture of the corpse

Start by rolling a plaid that you slip under your lap. Lie down comfortably and concentrate for total relaxation, eyes closed, another soft plaid on the body.

Pamper yourself and stay five to ten minutes so calm or lulled by soft music. Take time to emerge gently especially.

See also  Silva method and meditation: The testimony of Meri

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