How to succeed and a good art to live mindfulness

How to Succeed and good art to live mindfulness.

The vital success “Maria Novo Editorial Kairos

The great question. Surely you’ve done it more than once. How to succeed. Yes, you give importance, but success is not what you think you. It is simpler and Maria Novo tells you in this book.


To know exactly how to succeed, I strongly recommend this good book of María Novo, writer, poet and lecturer and author of over 20 books, you will discover the true art of living.

As noted by the author, “The vital success lies in the art of living” because “success is something intimate and profound, imperfect and provisional” and that the success of the speaker Novo throughout this publication Editorial Kairos, is not the traditional concept of success, rather linked to a material aspect and ego aggrandizement, but which refers to a more vital and intimate of each person plane.

14 chapters form this learning how to succeed. Successful titles ranging invite you to discover how to look with new eyes. “Changing the lens to change the mind”, “Managing our time wisely”, “Set priorities hand of dreams”.

Ideas to change profoundly the sense of success is as treacherous as it is based solely on the aggrandizement of the ego.

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Control our desires, our time management, reconciliation, sense of peace, care. We have forgotten many values ​​or abandoned and whose new contact opens the possibility of a new personal time that brings us to the vital success we speak Mary.

In the background, like Mary Novo tells us at one point in the book, “Life is as simple as we do.”

It is true that to get a job entails awareness and learning to be in the present moment, but it is possible.

This is a simple but profound text; immensely deep that brings you closer to how to respond in a good way the big question of how to succeed.

It is the way of a good life and how we dream for vital projects we intend to reality

It is owning your life, dream it and shape it with imagination, creativity, courage and lucidity. Your full life here and now.


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