In this article about hatha yoga for beginners we have selected photographs for you at home.

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Is hatha yoga for beginners? 6


In the understanding of most students, Hatha Yoga lessons are a set of strength exercises designed to strengthen health and prolong a person’s life.

But in fact, this teaching contains more in-depth theses, understanding of which entails the acquisition of spiritual balance, and hence physical health.

In this article, we’ll talk about basic practices that will help you get closer to this goal.

Is hatha yoga for beginners? 7

Basic Hatha Yoga Practices – Lessons for Beginners

Hatha Yoga is the doctrine of inner harmony , which is achieved through exercise and psychological exercises.

Influencing your body and mind, the student acquires balance, and also strengthens his health, thereby ensuring longevity.

The reasons why you decide to watch your first video Hatha Yoga lessons may be different – the above-mentioned desire to find inner harmony, attempts to achieve enlightenment and freedom.

They can be even lower, given that hatha yoga is a good way to lose those extra pounds .

Either way, the student must regularly practice the basic exercises of hatha yoga:

  1. Shatkarmy
  2. Asanas
  3. Pranayama
  4. Mudras and Bandhi
Hatha Yoga opens the way to harmony
Hatha Yoga opens the way to harmony

The founders of this area of yoga paid special attention to moral principles, the main one of which is ahimsa – non-violence.


Shatkarmas are practices of body purification, described in Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

“Shat” in Sanskrit means “six” – this number corresponds to the number of practices:

  1. Dhouti – the practices necessary for cleansing the digestive tract
  2. Basti is a method of cleaning and strengthening the colon
  3. Neti – practices for cleaning nasal passages and sinuses
  4. Nauli – a set of exercises for strengthening the abdominal organs
  5. Kapalabhati – a set of techniques for cleaning the anterior lobe of the brain
  6. Trataka – exercises to strengthen the optic nerve, developing also the strength of concentration

The ancient sages believed that before going to other practices (asana, pranayama ), it was necessary to go through all the Shatkarms.

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In some cases, without doing shatkarms really can not do. For example, to effectively use pranayama (breathing exercises), it is necessary to cleanse the nasal passages with the help of neti.

With the help of hatha, various organs can be strengthened
With the help of hatha, various organs can be strengthened

Asanas of hatha yoga for beginners – video lessons and basic recommendations

Asana is the basic physical exercise used in hatha yoga. The fulfillment of all asanas is to maintain a stable position of the body, or in vigorous repetitions of certain movements.

Practicing asanas, the disciple develops not only physical, but also mental abilities.


Swami Swatmarama, the author of the work “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” considered Siddhasana to be the most important among the asanas.

It is believed that during the retention of this posture, a person cleans up 72,000 nadi – channels, through which our vital energy moves .

Siddhasana also helps to strengthen the lower spine.



The full name of this asana sounds like Mahavirasana, which in translation means “great man”.

Virasana stabilizes the flow of energy to the reproductive organs, and also gives the opportunity to control it. Helps strengthen the joints of the legs and lower spine.



The name of this asana comes from the word “Shav” – the corpse.

Practice Shavasana should be in between other asanas, and after a busy and tiring day .

Yogis believe that the complete relaxation of the body contributes to the early achievement of self-awareness. Shavasana is very useful for neuroses and other mental disorders.



An example of a dynamic asana in hatha yoga. Pavamuktasana is considered an anti-inflammatory exercise, which helps to improve the intestines.

The technique of performing this asana is simple:

  1. Lie on your back
  2. Bend the right leg in the knee and press it to the chest with the help of hands
  3. Without lowering your legs, raise your upper body and try to touch the knee. When you need to hold your breath
  4. After a short delay in breathing, you should exhale slowly, while lowering your head and shoulders to the floor. Do not let the leg go to the end
  5. After several repetitions on the right leg, it is required to repeat the same movements with the left foot
  6. At the end of the exercise, it is recommended to take Shavasana for 5-10 minutes, while concentrating on breathing
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Bhujangasana helps to give the spine flexibility and has a tonic effect on the abdominal organs.

This asana is also capable of positively influencing a person’s hormonal balance.


The correctness of performing asanas is achieved through constant practice.

The way to one of the asanas lies through the others, so video hatha yoga lessons for beginners are often a set of exercises .

Asana hatha yoga for advanced practitioners

Most asanas of hatha yoga are suitable for experienced yogis. These exercises require serious preparation not only from the muscles, but also from your consciousness .


This asana is more suitable for men, because it plays a key role forearms and wrists.

To execute it you need:

  1. Lie on your stomach
  2. Pressing your palms to the ground with your fingers back, place elbows on both sides of the waist
  3. Raise the trunk, and then the legs so that only the palms touch the ground. Legs should be raised above the level of the head
  4. Hold this posture for a certain time, concentrating on breathing


Asana for experienced yogis, which allows to strengthen and relax the nervous system .

Garbhasana is extremely useful for irritable people, because it improves the work of the adrenal glands.

This body, as is known, is responsible for the production of hormones of belligerence and fear, as well as for the restoration of the nervous system.

Garbhasana improves appetite.



To perform the Shirshasana, the student must stand in the rack on his head, strictly perpendicular to the floor.

This position leads to the circulation of energy flows in the body, as well as to stimulation of the brain and thyroid gland.

Shirshasana helps to eliminate defects in hearing, sight and smell.



Pascimotanasana is very useful for people suffering from heart problems.

To execute it you need:

  1. Sit on the floor, legs stretched out in front of you
  2. Keeping the flat back and elongated legs, hands grab stops. Keeping this position, focus on breathing
  3. Exhale, make a slope forward, dilating the elbows and laying the trunk. The forehead should touch the knees
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Parivrta Stambhasana

This asana is dynamic.

Parivrtta Stambhasana allows you to work through each section of the spine, thanks to simultaneous twisting and stretching.

During this exercise, the internal organs massage and joints are worked out.


Pranayama is an exercise that teaches you to control the energy of life or prana. This practice is based on breathing.

Each pranayama exercise consists of long breaths, breath holding and exhalation.

Yogis believe that breathing practices help to cleanse the channels of a thin human body from excess energy.

It is possible to practice pranayama while performing asan hatha

The essence of pranayama is the awareness of breathing, when a person begins to feel the influx of vital energy that comes with each sigh.

Breathing exercises help to concentrate and clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts.

The lungs in hatha yoga are considered one of the most important organs, because thanks to them the human body is saturated with oxygen.

Hatha Yoga classes for beginners and experienced yogis contain a large number of various pranayamas.

Ethical principles, mudras and bandhas in the hatha yoga system

For the adherent of hatha yoga, the vital principles of yama and niyama are no less important aspect of life, along with exercises.

In addition to negating violence, hatha yoga preaches truthfulness, abstinence, outer and inner purity, modesty and other benefactors.

A correct understanding of the very doctrine of hatha yoga leads to the attainment of harmony
A correct understanding of the very doctrine of hatha yoga leads to the attainment of harmony

Mudras are the simplest practices in this direction of yoga.

The disciple performs gestures with his hands while performing asanas or as a separate exercise.

Holding a certain gesture helps to clean the channels and accelerate the influx of prana.

Bandhi, or as they are also called, “energy locks” are practices of hatha yoga, the purpose of which is to hold and concentrate energy at a certain point in the body.

During these exercises, the practitioner gently strains the parts of the body that he wants to work on.

Concentration on tension allows to stop energy flows in the necessary parts of the body, which favorably influences their further work.