The solution to remove stress and be happier (Exclusive Invitation)

The solution to remove stress and be happier (Exclusive Invitation) 3

Work from home without stress

A few days ago I was at a social event, which coincided with several friends and acquaintances, when he left the subject of stress and work .

Everyone started talking about how stressful it is to reconcile work and family jams at rush hour, the pace of life so fast that we have and the more we lose hours of being in the office …

Suddenly I said almost without thinking “easy solution” . They all turned toward me interrogating gaze, looking for answers.

– Is it for meditation? He said one of them.

And of course it helps and is fundamental, but something else that helps me to live relaxed, unhurried and taking me on as my needs: I work from anywhere without having to spend all day at the office .

It is shown that helps reduce daily stress, increases productivity and make us happier (here you can read the note on a study that was done on stress and work from home).

They all nodded, as reflecting … until a friend said, “Yes, Laura, but I can not do that … My work keeps me so!” .

I replied ” yes and no “.

So if it is your case, and want to know how you can ward off stress starting to work from home even if you have knowledge that I recommend you keep reading this note.

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Working from home: more happiness, less stress … And new outlook on life

Since there is Internet many traditional jobs can be done from home … But thanks to new technologies have also produced many special new jobs for telecommuting, which are easy to learn and with many options for the future . And I want you to meet.

And no, it is not something exclusive “privileged few”. Unlike! All can do ????Did you know that it is estimated that by 2015 40% of work can be done from home?

Think of all the benefits of working from home . For just mention to some, working from home you could …

1) save an average of 45 minute ride each way

2) increase by between 10 and 20% your productivity

3) Have a 25% less stress

4) Eating healthy and balanced

5) better reconcile work and family

6) save traffic rush hour

7) enjoy greater freedom and flexibility of schedules

8) To avoid contamination to the environment

Actually has many benefits … Are not you curious about how you could start?

If so I say what I said to my friends that day in the event: Everyone can do it!

Working from home is full of advantages; I know and live every day!

But best of all is that you can turn your talent into your job and start working from home in no time but only dispongas of free hours!

It sounds good, right?

That’s why I want to invite you to an exclusive event and, being part of the Silva community is absolutely free for you: a free teleseminar on Sunday 24 February in which you will learn what are the new professions Internet and how you can turn your hobby or talent into extra income for your pocket but dispongas only a few hours a week .

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The event is organized by my friend Juan Martitegui , who is also founder of Hispanic MindValley the wonderful company that publishes the Silva Method Life.

In him will teach you how you can start working from home with the new professions Internet and what are the real job opportunities that almost everyone can do that can help you live without stress while you get some extra income to pay some expenses like car payment or college boys.

It is a unique opportunity, will take place on Sunday, January 24 through the Internet , and it is free for all Silva community. And I know what John has to tell is of great value.

To attend the teleseminar you only need to book your site (you can do here).

It’s a very good chance, and if you are interested I suggest you book your place as soon as possible as spaces are limited and there are now over 10,000 people registered!

Just register yourself HERE and receive data to attend the teleseminar at no cost.

I’m sure you’ll soon discover the so relaxed and productive life that you can have when you start working from home. It is a pleasure! And many companies are starting to bet heavily on teleworking.

What you think? I’d love to know your opinion!

You continue to get better and better!

Laura Silva

Book your place now at the Free Teleseminar ‘New Careers’