Turn 50 and follow life with full attention

50th birthday or how to keep walking with attention to life

Turning 50 becomes suddenly something like a critical moment when, carried away by the general atmosphere to hold on to the new, all may seem like the beginning of the fall; but on the contrary, from the point of view of mindfulness life it should be taken as a date on the passing of your daily life, from which accepting the changes, you have the certainty that life, your life, more than ever, It makes sense to yourself or want to give it.


And it turned 50 years may be the beginning of a long friendship with your own life. Discovering that limits the draw you.


I write about age 50 for two special reasons. The first is that when I write this (February 2015) I see my own arrival at that age to just under two years old and the second, linked to the previous one , is to have discovered two interesting books about it . Both of Fina Sanz: “Men with corazón.Hablando in the second half of life ” and “Dialogues wise women” in which the author gives voice to a group of men and women entered in the 50, to talk about how they feel, how they live, what they do and how they develop their daily lives. I recommend you read both and do not stay with a man reads men, woman reads women.

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Turning 50 has its share of mystery in that, although one sits or perfectly find, know or notice some changes begin to occur, especially from the physical point of view, to be taken as “normal” in the proper vital fact.

But I want to make in this article, not a song accepting what it is, but the freedom of each and one for, to the reality of turning 50, know and recognize that it is a good time to work on the enjoyment of what I achieved and not to accept with resignation, that there are things that can not be changed because, obviously, and out of the “common set” own power of those who have been or are about to enter the date of the medium century must be clear that change can be changed.

Turning 50 is entering an era of personal power in which to the world in which we move, we must put aside the belief that everything is done and you can not do nothing but wait.

The practice of mindfulness or mindfulness helps us to anchor ourselves in the present moment in which we live and where we can work on our own raison d’etre . You can choose what you want to BE, DO, have or be without you to feel mediated or influenced by the wave of “consumerist life” that makes us believe that if you do not have the stamp of youth, start being nobody.

Anyway turned 50, I think it has a lot of call for individual freedom, from your own inner revolution, tending to a serenity that opens the doors of a new , more anchored in the here and now consciousness.

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I am aware that, on the labor side, the problems are many and dictates “the market” is what, unfortunately, makes the ultraliberal neocapitalism heartless, but I refuse to believe that since the capacity of each, nothing can be done.

We also recommend reading (and I think I have spoken of him on occasion in the blog and in my social networks) book Lynda Gratton “PREPARE: the future of work is here” through which you can have a better view changes which we live and ahead and to those who turn 50 and have that be the end of anything, but the beginning of another way of living, quite different from our parents or grandparents were from their average lifetime. Of one ‘s view of reality it depends on you want to take the plunge or let other men and the den.

Learning to practice mindfulness, to recognize, to live serenely own limitations and learn to be aware of the expansions is a good decision when it is about to turn 50 or already entered the mythical date.

I must also point out that when we talk about the disease, or physical changes that occur or “small” discomforts, I recommend reading “Living Well with pain and disease” .

You see, for me, like tuning the program “Black on White Fernando Sanchez Drago had in TVE, everything is in the books. In addition, if we talk turned 50, I have to say that everything is in life; life in the here and now. Right there where they now inhabit and where you have to keep walking do the weather, since our “inner weather forecast” we move ourselves and them. You can have sun, rain, storm or calm in your own sea. Us and we decide. Happy Birthday !! fifties and their fifties.

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