A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Is it possible to learn meditation on your own?

Is it possible to learn meditation on your own? 3

How to learn to meditate?

effective tips for those who think how to learn to meditate. It is not so difficult as it may seem at first glance.


Those of you who know what meditation is, do not need to explain how much this is a pleasant and useful occupation.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands how much usefulness can be gained by learning to meditate.

The easiest way to achieve this is to find yourself a coach.

To those who think how to learn to meditate on their own, I will give some useful advice from the Kiev guru and from my friend Marina, who has been fond of yoga and meditation for 5 years now.

Why do you need to learn how to meditate?

Not all people understand the tremendous benefits that meditation brings.I do not even know what this activity can be compared with.

  • With sports training?
  • With hiking?
  • With a visit to the church?
  • With admiration of some incredibly beautiful corner of nature?
  • With a good rest?
  • With a healthy sleep, after which you wake up completely refreshed?

Meditation is a little of all of the above.

That’s why I recommend everyone to learn to meditate.

If you are not yet convinced by my arguments, then you have a few more reasons to learn how to meditate.


  1. Helps to completely relax in a stressful situation.
  2. Makes a person more calm, balanced, self-confident and stress-resistant.
  3. Promotes the release of your mind and heart from anxiety, pain and worries (albeit for a while, but you can rest from the burden on you to tackle problems with new forces).
  4. It makes not only your character, but also your body, healthier and stronger.
  5. Strengthens the intellect.
  6. Improves memory.
  7. It helps to cope with bad habits more easily and never again to return to them (Marina already known to you before she began to practice yoga and regularly meditated, smoked a pack of cigarettes a day and could not get rid of nicotine addiction, meditation literally saved her from such bad habits and forever turned away from cigarettes).
  8. Promotes the liberation of your consciousness from the captivity of illusions, in which everyone (yes, everyone!) Lives.
  9. Improves your ability to think soberly and act reasonably and without nerves in difficult situations.
  10. Makes you happier and instills the ability to enjoy every day you have lived.
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Is it difficult to learn how to meditate?

This is the question I asked the coach Marina.

He laughed and fell asleep with me with questions:

“Did you learn how to walk at one time was difficult?”, “Should I talk?”, “Did you study English with great difficulties?”, “And how much effort did you take to train your body and instill in yourself love for regular sports loads? “,” Did you get a diploma of higher education easily or overcoming difficulties? “.

“You understand,” this philosopher told me, “it always seems to a person that learning something new is incredibly difficult, especially insecure people generally think that they can never learn to meditate, and cowards do not begin to study at all, so God forbid not to be disappointed once again in yourself. ”

I could not disagree with his arguments, because I know for sure: you can learn everything if you really want it, do not be lazy to do it and show proper patience and diligence.

Learning to meditate is not so difficult.

Remember how you made yourself fall asleep , considering sheep or forcing your body to relax.

Remember how, with the help of breathing exercises, you calmed yourself so as not to ruffle your nervous system for nothing and not get involved in a stupid conflict.

Remember, finally, how you got what you wanted, visualizing your dream.

All this is useful for you to learn how to meditate.

How to learn to meditate?

So, what you need in order to learn to meditate.

You will need:

  1. Select the time.

    For example, you decided to meditate every morning from 7.30 – to 7.45.

    Do not deviate from this plan, despite all sorts of “do not want”, “if I miss one day, nothing happens”, “I’ll sleep a little longer today,” etc.

    In order not to hate meditation even before you master it, start with five-minute sessions, gradually increasing the time of training.

  2. Choose a place.

    If you do not want to practice in the hall under the supervision of a coach, then it’s best to learn to meditate at home all alone.

  3. Isolate external stimuli:

    turn off the phones, turn off the TV and computer, close and curtain the windows, drive the cat out of the room, turn off the lights, etc.

  4. Take a comfortable position for yourself.

    If you do not know which one, you can always turn to the classics and take the pose of half-lotus (crossed “Turkish” legs).

    Your body should be comfortable in the chosen position.

  5. Concentrate on your measured breathing.

  6. Choose a mantra – a phrase that you repeat during meditation.

    This may be the most popular mantra “Om” or something more complex, like “Hari Krishna, Hari Rama”, “Haribol”, “Madana-Mohana”, or what you want, especially if you do not treat meditation as a religious teaching.

    And you can even do without the mantra and meditate in silence.

  7. Clear your mind from thoughts, plans, judgments, images and other things.

    This is the most difficult stage, which is fully realized only after long training.

Tips for those who want to learn how to meditate

Is it possible to learn meditation on your own? 4Here are a couple more tips from Marina and her coach to those who decided to master the art of meditation.

They remembered how they studied themselves, and gave several useful recommendations to the newcomers:


  1. Resign yourself to the fact that at the initial stage your thoughts and judgments will constantly fill your mind.

    Do not give up and drive them away.

    Well, if at first you will get to clear your mind for a few minutes.

    Regular meditation sessions will constantly increase this time.

  2. Do not rush to learn to meditate and do not equal others.

    The study of meditation is not a competition.

    Well, and what, that in your group already many have learned to clear the consciousness?

    Well, and that, that several weeks have passed since the first day of training, but you still can not understand this art?

    Everything has its time.

    The main thing is not to give up, continuing the sessions without anger and nerves.

  3. If during meditation you have, for example, combed your nose, then you do not have to endure discomfort.

    With a gentle movement, scratch it, not stopping to chant the mantra and not changing the pose.

  4. If you can not clear your mind, use the visualization method.

    Instead of thinking, start to imagine a soft pleasant glow or noise and a kind of water, or something else.

  5. Do not start too active after the end of meditation, enjoy some time of peace and quiet.

How can I understand that I have already learned how to meditate?

Marina coach told me one funny story.

One of his disciples did not want to meditate with everyone during yoga classes.

He argued this by saying that he can not relax in front of other people.

Like, it’s easier for him to train at home.

We agreed that he will demonstrate his skills when he decides that he has already learned how to meditate.

Three months later, he finally proudly announced that he was confident that he already knows how to meditate, and today he will do it with everyone.

Sitting in the lotus position, he sat motionless for a while, and then lay down on the barrel and dozed off.

When I woke him up and explained that what he was doing was not meditation at all, my pupil was surprised for a long time:

“How come, after all, I wake up in 20 minutes so rested?”.

Ability to fall asleep for a short time at will is very useful, but it can not be called meditation.

Meditation is a state of full wakefulness in the state of complete relaxation and with a consciousness cleansed of thoughts.

Naturally, while doing this you should not be distracted by what surrounds you.

By the way, a 20-minute meditation allows a person to feel more rested than a two-hour sleep.

If, despite all the efforts, you could not understand how to learn to meditate on your own, go to yoga classes.

They will help you there.

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