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Khmer massage

Khmer massage 3

The most exotic kind of massage can be regarded as the traditional Cambodian Khmer massage. About the origins of the Khmer massage, little is known. There are only a few suggestions. Some believe that it was the basis of massage monks Buddhist monasteries, others see the connection with the Korean massage, others argue that the Khmers took the best of Indian and Chinese massage schools.

Khmer massage session lasts 1.5-2 hours.
Usually during masseuse various essential oils are used in large quantities. Base Khmer massage consists of two stages:  

  • The first – the customer heating.
    Masseurs alternately pinch the main arteries in the arms and legs, causing limb numb, and then re-launch the bloodstream. From such a shock therapy, tissue blood supply comes with a vengeance.

  • The second method involves the client rubbing the coin edge.
    Strong and quite painful. Body can leave streaks.

Despite the fact that enjoyable, Khmer massage is difficult to call, have experienced it for yourself Europeans say that the effect of it is quite strong: the body is feeling got stronger, there is a burst of energy.
It is also noted that he had good help in the fight against excess weight. According to the Khmer healers, massage thanks to all energy flows in the body are restored, people feel got stronger, and the immune system is tuned to maximum efficiency.

In Russia this kind of massage is not popular.
And this is due primarily to the lack of knowledge of massage techniques. However, if you go to Cambodia and there you at every step will be to offer this type of massage. Dare to try, and you’ll be rewarded with good health.

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