Meditate on 10 keys to meditate correctly

Meditate on 10 keys to meditate properly.

Meditates !. This is the imperative for a new life of serenity. Here and now to feel that life flows smoothly. You dare?

When deciding to begin the practice of mindfulness or mindfulness meditation, I want to propose, whether you’re a meditator started or already take time with your “sitting” that you work on 10 key and go to work on them decisively.

When you meditate, it is best to start with a rigorous schedule for, thus, be integrating practice in our daily work. Like everything, the principle is until it becomes a habit.

As for the best posture for practice, here I show you some simple steps to meditate properly (click on the image).

learn to meditate at home

If you want to learn to meditate at home, it’s good to have a zafu and zafutón. Posture is fundamental. I show you from

As for time, you should start with about five minutes and gradually increase to reach at least 20 minutes although the ideal would be 30.

What are the keys to while meditating your head may not go making mischief and entangling in automatic thoughts?

For when you meditate, it’s best to consider these 10 keys that tell you below.

And you know that since Plenacción , I am at your disposal to accompany you on the way and offer ideas, information and training to make your life a flow path which, after all , is what it is.

If you are a subscriber or subscriber, you know the website and you will be informed. If you are not yet a subscriber to subscriber, I invite you to do in any of the forms you find at the end of this post. In this video you will receive a half – hour introduction to mindfulness, a PDF book titled “10 ideas to be, be and do. Strategies for transformation and personal development “

In this interview the director of the Library of Hijar Las Gabias, Ruth Galindo , made me, I tell you what will Plenacción and you are getting.


But go now to meditate on how key 10 attitudes will have to consider always:

  1. Do not look anything special.

When you meditate, the attitude should be focused on not look anything special. Simply takes the position, either on your meditation cushion or in a chair and watch. Lose yourself in meditation. Meditate without asking anything in return, because changes will be coming without asking.

  1. Do not force anything.

Just relax. That ‘s what it is. There is no kind of violence when meditating . Or the way you sit, not in the way you wake up. Calm, calm, peace and serenity. Do not try to force anything.

  1. The rush are bad counselors.

You remember that saying “dress me slowly that I hurry” ?. For that it is time to sit and practice meditation . Meditate slowly. If you start with 5 minutes, put on your watch notice of 5 minutes do not look all the time. Forget that is set and meets five minutes … or 10 … or 20. Do not hurry. Theirs is leaving your meditation space when the proposed time is over. (You see how there ‘s a part of you that does not stop to talk to you wake up as soon as possible. Do not listen because, even if it sounds strange, that ‘s not you)

  1. Neither cling nor reject

When you begin to meditate, in that space of silence, thoughts, ideas, emotions, begin to ride through your body and head. Attitude is not to hold on to those feelings or reject them . Just as you meditate, you can watch them as if they were yours. Actually, it’s like you’re in a movie theater watching the screen … but do not cling or reject. Those thoughts are like cherries. Take one and leave behind three hooked.

  1. Drop as a lifestyle

Drop is a way of life that will permeate as you advance in the art of meditation. Drop is flowing through life without enquistar in moments of sadness, oppression, oppression or difficulties, but also in moments of euphoria, happiness and well – being. Drop joins us 6. Because the key drop is not a leaf swaying in the wind, but freer and take charge of our own lives.

  1. Acceptance without resignation

That drop in Meditate here and now! It is the acceptance of everything that happens in the present moment. Life is here and now, and it is from the here and now where we can change attitudes, ways, solve problems or ask challenges, goals and objectives. What is here and now, it just is . At the time of meditation, everything is fine. Do not judge or if there are positive images or if there are negative images. Only from accepting change is possible.

  1. Do not be angry with you

Remember that “character” I’ve mentioned in point 3 ?. Well, while you meditate, you will notice that there is a voice inside you that tells you what is worthless, you will not hold that many problems you have, you’re wasting your time. That inner voice is that part of your self that is constantly blowing up what you do. Through meditation you you’re going to win. But an important key is that you do not get angry. Do not be, please, your worst enemy or enemy. It is easy. Silent and quiérete. Single or unique and unrepeatable are.

  1. Put action

To meditate you have to put action. Not worth the “start tomorrow”, “maybe not the time”, “no time”, “no gathering place” . They are always barriers that you wear for doing nothing. Changes !!. It is my recommendation. Meditate has nothing to do with religion, but to learn to be yourself or herself and to learn from the serenity and acceptance, life flows and you with it. He is learning to work with the powerful tool of mindfulness. It is to turn off the autopilot and take control of your life. Move and takes action to begin, because to remain silent, it is also action.

  1. Let yourself reflections

From the here and now, meditate upon, put aside your reasoning. There is nothing to think or prosecute. This is no time to reflect. In the position of “meditates” time flows serene and I invite you acompases with him. Put heart and not reason. There will be other moments for reflection . Now attends remains silent and your breath is your engine life

  1. No comparisons

And do not compare. Do not compare yourself with anyone or compare with other meditation. The comparison only takes you to suffer, greed, envy, jealousy or hatred. You’re important because you are alive or alive. Works to be present here and now. Single or unique you are.

I hope these 10 keys that you have to take into account when meditating, you are useful . And always remember that what is extraordinary in the everyday and while meditating, open a window into a space of serenity and freedom that gradually go taking your daily life.

You can start with a little practice. Because in addition to meditate in silence in your own home, you can also play on the street or place you most want. Meditation does not isolate you from the world, but it invites you to be another healthier, healthy, serene and happy way. Here and now.

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