Overcome the fear of disease and pain

Overcoming the fear of disease and pain

“Living well with pain and disease” Vidyamala Burch Editorial Kairos

We have everyone at some point in our lives or suffered an illness and pain, or we will suffer. All and all, we wonder how to overcome the fear of disease and pain. All and all, we must be aware that there is life in pain, but suffering is optional.

This, precisely, is the book that I recommend in this post from our BiblioMind. How to overcome the fear of disease and pain. The author, Vidyamala Burch, had a serious spinal cord injuries to those faced in sad conditions and with few resources, knowing he was doomed to chronic pain. He did it with acceptance, with compassion and love and now gives us this impressive document that is a treatise of experience in how to face and overcome the fear of disease and pain and how to live with it in the best way possible.

All this, based on Mindfulness or Mindfulness techniques. Makes clear, from the beginning, his meditation based on experience and good work in the Breathworks / Breathes Life group; project he directed.

She speaks of two kinds of suffering: she calls primary and secondary, telling his experience, then, entering the definitions of pain, take a tour of what is and means Mindfulness or Mindfulness and relate Adventure living with a disease process and pain.

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Whenever we talk about Mindfulness and mindfulness, and especially when we do talk to overcome the fear of illness and pain, we refer to mind union and body, so forgotten in our Western societies and that we must be recovering as quickly as possible . They are two separate entities, but one that form a set joined this universe in which we have.

Living well with pain and disease, it is a lesson of courage, heart, strength, respect and love from a country plagued humanistic point of simplicity and good work.

Helpfulness when care and take love to the area that hurts, kindness to act as a balm on the damaged area.

The whole book is riddled with teachings, not only the author, but people who have gone through or are going through painful, habituated and habituated to disease processes that have resulted following the teachings of the author you can discover over periods this book, an improvement in their quality of life and how to overcome the fear of disease and pain.

An essential book for everyone, at some point in our lives, we will pass or have passed, times of illness and pain. And not only ours, but also loved ones.

With this intense volume to overcome the fear of illness and pain, it will be an exercise that you change the way you face a reality.

overcome fear

overcome fear


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