performance technique
- Bolster place along the rug.
- Sit on your buttocks back to Bolster.
- Point the tailbone down to the buttocks.
- Lie on your back so that the head and spine were lying on the Bolster and pelvis – on the floor.
- Connect the foot and try to keep them as close as possible to the pelvis. If this is difficult to do, use the belts.
- Hands are placed over the head.
- Under your knees can put a wooden block or folded blanket.
- Under the head can put a blanket.
- Relax and breathe calmly.
- Stay in the pose for 5-10 minutes.
- Improves blood circulation in the pelvic region
- Relax internal organs
- It calms the nervous system
- Alleviated pain during menstruation
- knee injury